Assuring Quality in Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL) Summative Evaluation 2018-2021 Final Report
The project "Assuring Quality in Higher Education in Sierra Leone (AQHEd-SL)" is part of the “Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education (SPHEIR)” supported by the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). AQHEd-SL was formally launched in April 2018 and runs through December 2021.
Paeradigms was commissioned in May 2021 to conduct a summative evaluation of the entire project. The evaluation assessed the project’s progress in achieving its core outcomes, evaluated the project’s original Theory of Change (ToC) and investigated how and why change has happened and for whom. The AQHEd-SL summative evaluation has three key characteristics: it employed a utilisation focused approach and a participatory approach, and it proceeded on four different levels of analysis: output, outcome, impact, and lessons learned.
AQHEd-SL_Summative Evaluation_Final Report_20211119.pdf
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