Published October 11, 2021 | Version v2
Report Open

D2.1 Choice for a sulphur free odorant

  • 1. Kiwa Technology B.V.
  • 2. DNV Netherlands B.V.


This report describes the selection of a potential third sulphur free odorant for hydrogen for the research within the framework of Hydelta WP2: Odorization.

Two odorants that are already known for natural gas, namely Tetrahydrothiophene (THT) and GASODOR® S-free, were already pre-selected. After a literature search, three odorants were tested for the odour character and the odour behaviour after a selection on the properties of the odorant.

The candidate odorant 2-hexyne was ultimately selected on the basis of the following properties:

  • an unpleasant distinctive characteristic odour
  • a low odour threshold
  • low toxicity
  • sulphur-free
  • workable dosage: nominal 15 mg/m3(n), minimum 10 mg/m3(n), maximum 35 mg/m3(n).

This odorant will be further tested in the HyDelta WP2 study.


Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2020-HyDelta.

