Published November 15, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Paleanotus macrophthalmum

  • 1. Laboratorio de Sistemática de Invertebrados Marinos (LABSIM), Universidad del Mar (UMAR), campus Puerto Ángel, Oaxaca, México Departamento de Sistemática y Ecología Acuática, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOSUR), Unidad Chetumal, Quintana Roo, México christopher. cruz-gomez @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2618 - 9230


Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schröder, 1959)

Figs 4, 12

Chrysopetalum macrophthalmum Hartmann-Schröder, 1959: 94, Fig. 14–18.

Paleanotus macrophthalmum Watson 2015: 708 (n. comb.).

Paleanotus sp. 2.— Cruz-Gómez et al. 2021: 183, Fig. 6J (key of chrysopetalids from Tropical America).

Type locality: Jiquilisco Estuary, San Juan, El Salvador (Hartmann-Schröder 1959).

Material examined. Costa Rica: UMAR-Poly-OH-020, cruise pier, Puntarenas, on pier piles, 1.5 m, November 22, 2012, coll. TVG; Four specimens, UMAR-Poly-OH-019, UMAR-Poly-OH-030, UMAR-Poly-OH-031, UMAR-Poly-OH-032, same data as UMAR-Poly-OH-020.

Description. Based on the best-preserved specimen (UMAR-Poly-OH-020): complete with 37 segments. TL= 1.9 mm, TW= 0.5 mm. Body short, broad, tapered posteriorly (Fig. 4A). Body pale yellow to bright yellow. Paleae fan translucent, slightly imbricated dorsally.

Prostomium not visible, completely retracted among the first anterior segments. Palps short, oval visible in ventral view. Mouth fold wide, placed between segment 3 and 4. Pharynx muscular eversible, not exposed, stylets slender.

Parapodium from segment 10, notochaetae in three main groups (Fig. 4B). Notochaetae: lateral group inserted below notaciculum, 4–5 paleae, slender and symmetrical, with 3–4 internal ribs (Fig. 4C); subunit 1, 1 palea, slender, shorter and symmetrical, with 6 internal ribs (Fig. 4D). Main group, 8–10 paleae, broad, curved and asymmetrical, with 12–16 (17) and 3 finely raised ribs (Fig. 4E). Median group, 3–4 paleae, short, curved and asymmetrical, with 9–12 internal ribs and 2–3 raised ribs (Fig. 4F–G).

Neuropodium conical, slightly short than notopodium. Neurochaetae: unit 1, 1–3 superior spinigers, blades straight and long, 8–9 times longer than wide (Fig. 4H). Unit 2, 4–5 falcigers, blades straight and medium-sized, 4–5 times longer than wide (Fig. 4I). Unit 3, 4–5 falcigers, blades straight and short, 3–4 times longer than wide (Fig. 4J). Unit 4, 2–3 falcigers, blades straight and short, 3–4 times longer than wide (Fig. 4K). Pygidium quadrate, with two anal cirri (Fig. 4L). Oocytes not seen.

Habitat. Intertidal to subtidal (1.5– 4 m). Specimens of this species were collected on pier piles and previously recorded on limey-sandy (Hartmann-Schröder 1959).

Distribution. From San Juan, El Salvador, to Puntarenas, Pacific Coast of Costa Rica (Fig. 12).

Remarks. Hartmann-Schröder (1959) described Paleanotus macrophthalmum (as a member of Chrysopetalum) from El Salvador, including specimens from Costa Rica. Since then, this species was scarcely recorded in the region, mostly included in compilatory checklists (Molina-Lara & Vargas-Zamora 1995, Dean 2004, Rivera & Romero de Rivera 2008). The species should be redescribed, using the holotype and, because the type specimen is in poor conditions (CW Pers. Comm. 2020), topotype specimens should be considered. Recently, Watson (2015) stated that this chrysopetalid was the only tropical species of Paleanotus; however, the conclusion of this study revealed another species (described below) that can be found in the region and inhabits similar substrata.

This species is characterized among tropical Paleanotus species by short, narrow main paleae with fine denticulate internal ribs, rounded brow and serrated margins.


Published as part of Cruz-Gómez, Christopher, 2021, A new genus and seven new species of chrysopetalids (Annelida, Chrysopetalidae) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific, pp. 1-59 in Zootaxa 5068 (1) on pages 8-11, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5068.1.1,


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Paleanotus macrophthalmum (Hartmann-Schroder, 1959) sec. Cruz-Gómez, 2021


  • Hartmann-Schroder, G. (1959) Zur okologie der Polycheten des Mangrove Estero-Gebites von El Salvador. Beitrage sur Neot- ropischen Fauna, 1, 69 - 183. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 01650525909380612
  • Watson, C. (2015) Seven new species of Paleanotus (Annelida: Chrysopetalidae) described from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, and coral reefs of northern Australia and the Indo-Pacific: two cryptic species pairs revealed between western Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indian Ocean. Zootaxa, 4019 (1), 707 - 732. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4019.1.24
  • Cruz-Gomez, C., Salazar-Vallejo, S. & Mora-Vallin, Z. G. (2021) Chrysopetalidae Ehlers, 1864. In: de Leon-Gonzalez J. A., Bastida-Zavala J. R., Carrera-Parra L. F., Garcia-Garza M. E., Salazar-Vallejo S. I., Solis-Weiss V. & Tovar-Hernandez M. A. (Eds.), Anelidos Marinos de Mexico y America Tropical. Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Nuevo Leon, pp. 167 - 186.
  • Johnson, H. P. (1897) A preliminary account of the marine annelids of the Pacific coast, with descriptions of new species, Part I: The Euphrosynidae, Amphinomidae, Palmyridae, Polynoidae, and Sigalionidae. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Zoology, Series 3, 1, 153 - 198.
  • Molina-Lara, O. A & Vargas-Zamora, J. A. (1995) Poliquetos (Annelida: Polychaeta) del estero de Jaltepeque, El Salvador: una comparacion 1959 - 1991. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 43 (1 - 3), 195 - 205.
  • Dean, H. K. (2004) Marine biodiversity of Costa Rica: Class Polychaeta (Annelida). Revista de Biologia Tropical, 32 (2), 131 - 181.
  • Rivera, C. G. & Romero de Rivera, M. Y. (2008) Checklist of polychaetes (Annelida: Polychaeta) from El Salvador, Eastern Pacific. Check List, 4 (1), 18 - 30. https: // doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 07925