Key to aquatic Empididae of the Sierra Nevada mountains
(key written primarily for male specimens)
1 Eyes bare, lacking ommatrichia; labellum not sucker-like; costal margin with simple setae.... HEMERODROMIINAE … 2
- Eyes with dense ommatrichia; labellum usually sucker-like; anterior costal margin of wing with stout erect setae intermixed among longitudinal rows of simple setae.................................................. CLINOCERINAE ... 5
2 Cell cua (anal cell) and crossvein bm-cu absent (discal cell absent); R1 meeting costa before middle of wing............................................................................................ Hemerodromia Meigen ... 3
- Cells cua (anal cell) and dm present (crossvein bm-cu present); R1 meeting costa beyond middle of wing.................................................................................................. Chelifera Macquart … 4
3 Male cercus with inner digitiform process bearing 4 apical peg-like setae; apex of cercus slender, not expanded (Collin 1961, fig. 301)..................................................................... Hemerodromia baetica Collin
- Male cercus with slender inner process with 2 lateral setae, lacking peg-like apical setae; apex of cercus expanded, nearly as broad as epandrium (Figs 2, 3)................................... Hemerodromia planti Ivkoviċ & Sinclair, sp. nov.
4 Male cercus held erect, very long, broad and apex rounded with digitiform process at middle on posterior edge (Collin 1961, fig. 288).................................................................... Chelifera stigmatica (Schiner)
- Male cercus held horizontal, flat, narrow, inner dorsal margin with row of spine-like setae; apex tapered and lacking additional lobes (Vaillant & Chvála 1973, fig. 2)..................................... Chelifera vockerothi (Vaillant & Chvála)
5 Neck arising high on occiput, from near top of head............................... Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday)
- Neck near centre of occiput or level with centre of eye....................................................... 6
6 Lower margin of face lacking notch or deep cleft above mouthparts; phallus lacking apical filament.. Clinocera Meigen … 7
- Lower margin of face with notch or deep cleft; phallus with articulated apical filament.............................. 9
7 Comb of preapical anterior setae on fore femur absent; postpronotal seta reduced, shorter and thinner than notopleural setae; postsutural supra-alar setae absent........................................................... C. nigra Meigen
- Comb of preapical anterior setae on fore femur present; postpronotal seta well developed, similar to scutal setae; postsutural supra-alar setae present................................................................................ 8
8 Base of R4 with short spur or appendix (Sinclair 1999, fig. 1); wing without clouding; femora entirely dark brown..................................................................................... C. appendiculata (Zetterstedt)
- Base of R4 without short spur or appendix; wings with faint clouding about crossveins; apex of femora (“knees”) light brown, compared to bluish pruinescent femur.................................................... C. stagnalis (Haliday)
9 Face with setulae along inner margin of eye................................................. Kowarzia Mik … 10
- Face bare, without setulae along inner margin of eye........................................................ 14
10 Apex of male surstylus forked.......................................................................... 11
- Apex of male surstylus simple, unforked.................................................................. 12
11 Scutum with a narrow, dull, dark central stripe between two more shining bluish stripes; clasping cercus strongly bent; sursty- lus deeply forked (Collin 1961, fig. 314c)......................................... Kowarzia bipunctata (Haliday)
- Scutum very indistinctly striped, dull; clasping cercus straight, apex slightly hooked; surstylus with shallow apical fork (Fig. 6)............................................................. Kowarzia nevadensis Sinclair & Ivkoviċ, sp. nov.
12 Surstylus as broad as clasping cercus; clasping cercus strongly curved at middle, generally similar in width until apex (Vaillant 1965, figs 3b, d)................................................................ Kowarzia madicola (Vaillant)
- Surstylus long and slender, much thinner than clasping cercus................................................ 13
13 Surstylus with apex clothed in short dense setae (Collin 1961, fig. 314b)................... Kowarzia tenella (Wahlberg)
- Surstylus with setae confined to dorsal margin (Collin 1961, fig. 314a)....................... Kowarzia barbatula Mik
14 Wings with distinct spots; pterostigma clearly outlined, elliptical................ Phaeobalia lyneborgi Vaillant & Chvála
- Wings lacking spots; pterostigma either both faint and elongate or dark and circular........ Wiedemannia Zetterstedt … 15
15 Pterostigma rounded, usually very distinct; male clasping cercus elongate and slender, extending obliquely from epandrium (Wagner 1990, fig. 2)........................................... Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) nevadensis Wagner
- Pterostigma elongate and usually faint; clasping cercus variable................................................ 16
16 Acrostichals only present anterior to second dorsocentral setae............. Wiedemannia (Roederella) ouedorum Vaillant
- Acrostichals extending to at least prescutellar depression.................................................... 17
17 Legs yellowish brown; fore femur with distinct preapical anterior seta; clasping cercus very pale brown (Figs 5, 8)...................................................................... Wiedemannia darioi Sinclair & Ivkoviċ, sp. nov.
- Legs brown to black, often with blue pruinescence; anterior setae if present one-third to one-fourth from apex of fore femur; clasping cercus brown to black......................................................................... 18
18 Fore femur with a small distinct anterior seta at about one-fourth from apex; clasping cercus held vertically, long, slender and parallel-sided, yellow, nearly twice as long as width of epandrium (Collin 1961, fig. 313c).............................................................................................. Wiedemannia (Chamaedipsia) lota Walker
- Fore femur lacking anterior seta on apical third or with several short setae one-third from apex; clasping cercus not parallel- sided, less than twice width of epandrium, colour variable................................................... 19
19 Clasping cercus undivided (Fig. 10)............................... Wiedemannia horvati Ivkoviċ & Sinclair, sp. nov.
- Clasping cercus bilobed.............................................................................. 20
20 Clasping cercus oval, with shallow notch separating lobes; length of anterior lobe less than twice its basal width........ 21
- Clasping cercus elongate, longer than wide, with deep notch separating lobes; length of anterior lobe more than twice its basal width............................................................................................. 22
21 Distiphallus without spinous swelling at middle; posterior margin of clasping cercus rounded (Vaillant 1967, figs 3, 4)....................................................................... Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant
- Distiphallus with spinous swelling at middle; posterior margin of clasping cercus truncate or angular (Figs 11, 12).................................................................... Wiedemannia vedranae Ivkoviċ & Sinclair, sp. nov.
22 Anterior lobe broader than posterior lobe (Vaillant & Chvála 1973, fig. 11).................................................................................................. Wiedemannia (Philolutra) veletica Vaillant & Chvála
- Anterior lobe slender, narrower than posterior lobe......................................................... 23
23 Anterior lobe arising at base of clasping cercus (Vaillant 1950, fig. 20)........ Wiedemannia (Philolutra) fallaciosa (Loew)
- Anterior lobe arising at middle of clasping cercus (Vaillant 1950, fig. 19)........ Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew)
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Empididae
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Diptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Taxon rank
- family
- Collin, J. E. (1961) Empididae. In: British flies. Vol. 6. University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1 - 782.
- Vaillant, F. & Chvala, M. (1973) Empididae Hemerodromiinae from Spain (Insecta, Diptera). Steenstrupia, 3, 57 - 64.
- Sinclair, B. J. (1999) Review of the Holarctic Clinocera appendiculata complex (Diptera: Empididae: Clinocerinae). The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 135, 223 - 232.
- Vaillant, F. (1965) Revision des Empididae Hemerodromiinae de France, d'Espagne et d'Afrique du Nord [Dipt.]. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 133 (1964), 143 - 173.
- Wagner, R. (1990) Neue Wiedemannia - Arten aus der rhynchops - Gruppe (Diptera, Empididae, Clinocerinae). Entomofauna, 11, 229 - 237.
- Vaillant, F. (1967) La repartition des Wiedemannia dans les cours d'eau et leur utilization comme indicateurs de zones ecologiques (Diptera, Empididae). Annales de Limnologie, 3, 267 - 293. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1051 / limn / 1967016
- Vaillant, F. (1950) Contribution a l'etude des Empididae Atalantinae des Alpes francaises. Travaux du Labotatoire d'Hydrobiologie et de Pisciculture de l'Universite de Grenoble, 41 - 42, 49 - 57.