Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Chauliopleona nickeli Guerrero-Kommritz 2005


Chauliopleona nickeli Guerrero-Kommritz 2005

Material examined. One non-ovigerous female, ANDEEP III, DZMB-HH 3184, station 78, 71°09.52'S, 014°00.76'W (eastern part of the Weddell Sea), 2182 meters, 22 Feb 2005, EBS-epi. One non-ovigerous female, ANDEEP-SYSTCO, DZMB-HH 1541, station 39, 64°28.77’S, 002°52.69'E, 2151.7 meters, 14 March 2002, EBSepi.

Remarks. The new records extend the distribution range of this Antarctic species by about 10 degrees of both latitude and longitude, and the bathymetric range by around 100 m.

Chauliopleona ciimari sp. nov. (Figs 2–4)

Material examined. Holotype: female, ANDEEP-SYSTCO, DZMB-HH 1550, station 85, 52°01.54'S, 000°00.22'E (northwest of Buvetøya Island), 2987.4 meters, 27 Jan 2008, EBS-epi (ZMH K- 44132). Paratypes: One female, same locality, dissected (ZMH K- 44133). Two non-ovigerous females, ANDEEP-SYSTCO, DZMB- HH 1360, station 24, 52°01.98'S, 00°01.12'W, 2997.9 meters, 0 6 Dec 2007, EBS-epi (processed for DNA analysis).

Diagnosis. Female. Cephalothorax longer than pereonites 1 and 2 combined. Pereonites with curved lateral margins. Antennule article 1 as long as rest of antennule. Antenna article 3 with long (0.4 times as long as article 4) dorsal seta; article 4 without fusion line. Maxilliped basis with long setae (almost as long as palp); palp article 2 with spiniform serrated seta and long seta (almost reaching end of palp) on outer margin. Cheliped merus without ventral process, carpal shield shallow but with anterior acute angle, propodus and dactylus without crenulations. Pereopod 1 with carpus bearing ventrodistal row of spinules.

Etymology. Named after the authors’ institution CIIMAR (Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental).

Description. Female. Body from holotype and paratype, appendages from dissected paratype.

Body (Fig. 2 A, B) elongate, 2.15 mm long, about nine times as long as wide. Cephalothorax longer than pereonites 1 and 2 combined. Pereonites all wider than long. Pleon short (including pleotelson shorter than 20% of total body length). All pleonites subequal in length and width (pleopods not drawn). Pleonite 5 posterior-directed spur reaching midlength of pleotelson. Pleotelson (Fig. 2 C) longer than two last pleonites combined, widening medially, apex rounded, with three pairs of terminal setae.

Antennule (Fig. 3 A) shorter than cephalothorax. Article 1 as long as other articles combined, with numerous small simple dorsoproximal setae, two setulose medial setae, and one simple and one setulose distal setae. Article 2 less than half as long as article 1, with two simple distal setae and three setulose subdistal setae. Article 3 shorter than article 2, with two simple distal setae. Article 4 longer than article 3, with two long distal setae. Terminal caplike article partly fused with article 4 and represented as a dorsal protrusion, with five simple setae and one aesthetasc.

Antenna (Fig. 3 B) 0.75 times as long as antennule. Article 1 as long as article 3, naked. Article 2 slightly longer than article 5, with numerous proximal setules and one dorsodistal seta. Article 3 shorter than article 2, with one long (0.4 times as long as article 4) dorsodistal seta. Article 4 longer than other articles, without fusion line, with one medial and two setulose distal setae and three simple distal setae of which two are longer than article 5. Article 5 less than half as long as article 4, with one short and two long distal setae. Article 6 minute, with six simple distal setae of which one is tiny.

Mouthparts (Fig. 3 C–J). Labrum (Fig. 3 C) rather pointed, with smooth apex, with ventral setulose posteriorlydirected projection. Mandibles (Fig. 3 D, E) molar process tapering distally, longer than incisor, with small distal spines. Right mandible (Fig. 3 D) incisor with four irregular denticles. Left mandible (Fig. 3 E) lacinia mobilis blunt, shorter than incisor; incisor with three denticles. Labium (Fig. 3 F) with setulated outer corners and inner seta. Maxillule (Fig. 3 G) endite with nine apical spiniform setae of which at least two are serrated, shaft with several small setules on both margins; palp shorter than endite with two long distal setae. Maxilla (Fig. 3 H) remarkably large (almost as large as mandible), widest at base, with evenly spaced setules. Maxilliped (Fig. 3 I) basis with long lateral seta near palp attachment; endites narrower than basis, not fused, each with inner, unarticulated denticles and one outer robust and one inner simple setae. Palp article 1 naked; article 2 with one long (as long as palp) seta on outer margin, three thick, long setae on inner margin (of which one is specialized); article 3 with one simple and three thick setae, thick long setae on inner margin; article 4 only half as wide as article 3, with four inner thick setae and one subdistal outer simple seta. Epignath (Fig. 3 J) slender and naked.

Cheliped (Fig. 2 D) with basis unequally divided by long prominent sclerite, marginally shorter than carpus. Merus triangular, with one ventromedial seta. Carpus as long as propodus (including fixed finger), widest proximally, with two ventromedial setae and one small dorsal seta at each end, carpal shield relatively shallow/ weak but with anterior acute angle. Propodus slender (l/w ratio 2.2), dorsal crest low and with no crenulations, with simple seta at dactylus insertion and diagonal row of five robust inner setae, of which one is pinnate. Fixed finger with two ventral setae and three on inner margin, inner margin with four blunt denticles. Dactylus as long as fixed finger, without crenulations on dorsal margin, with proximal simple seta.

Pereopod 1 (Fig. 4 A) coxa with one simple seta. Basis marginally longer than three succeeding articles combined (l/w ratio 2.6), with one simple and one setulose dorsomedial setae. Ischium with one ventral seta. Merus marginally shorter than carpus, widening distally, with one long, bayonet seta and one simple distal seta. Carpus more than half as long as propodus, with one long (almost as long as propodus), spiniform distal seta on each margin and distal small spines. Propodus more than half as long as basis, ventral margin with numerous small spines, one spiniform ventrodistal seta, one dorsomedial simple seta and dorsodistal spines. Dactylus broken but with one long proximal simple seta and small spines.

Pereopod 2 (Fig. 4 B) as pereopod 1 except: basis with two dorsomedial simple, and one setulose setae; carpus with one small simple and three spiniform distal setae. Dactylus and unguis combined shorter than propodus.

Pereopod 3 (Fig. 4 C) as pereopod 2 except: basis with one setulose dorsomedial seta. Propodus with three small dorsodistal spines. Dactylus longer than unguis.

Pereopod 4 (Fig. 4 D) coxa fused to body. Basis more slender than those of pereopods 1–3 (l/w ratio 3.3), with two setulose dorsomedial setae. Ischium with two setae. Merus with two spiniform setae (half as long as carpus). Carpus with one “bone-shaped” dorsodistal seta and three spiniform distal setae. Propodus with two spiniform ventrodistal setae, one simple seta and one spine dorsodistally. Dactylus shorter than propodus, with one simple proximal seta and two rows of small ventral spines separated by a groove; unguis clearly demarcated, less than half as long as dactylus.

Pereopod 5 (Fig. 4 E) as pereopod 4 except: propodus with several small ventral spinules.

Pereopod 6 (Fig. 4 F) as pereopod 5 except: propodus with four dorsodistal spiniform setae and two dorsodistal spines (not illustrated).

Pleopods (Fig. 2 E) subequal. Endopod with one outer and 13 apparently simple inner setae. Exopod with basal seta arising from an incompletely fused rudimentary article and separated from other setae by a gap, with 13 apparently simple setae of which the most distal is shorter and thicker than the adjacent ones.

Uropod (Fig. 2 F) longer than pleotelson. Basal article longer than exopod, naked. Endopod with two subequal [length] articles; article 1 with two simple distal setae; article 2 with one long subdistal seta and three simple distal setae. Exopod with two articles, half as long as first endopod article; article 1 with two distal setae; article 2 with two long unequal distal setae.

Remarks. This species keys out to C. armata using Guerrero-Kommritz’s key from (2005) but can be separated from this North Atlantic species and subsequently described species (C. faini, C. hansknechti, and C. sinusa) by the carpal shield having its anterior acute angle.

Chauliopleona andeepi sp. nov. (Figs 5–7)

Material examined. Holotype: non-ovigerous female, ANDEEP I, DZMB-HH 10379, station 42, 59°40.29'S, 57°35.43'W (northwest of King George Island), 3683 meters, 27 Jan 2002, EBS-epi. (Zmh k-44134). Paratypes: one non-ovigerous female, same location, dissected (ZMH K- 44135). Three non-ovigerous females, ANDEEP I, DZMB-HH 10380, station 42, 59°40.29'S, 57°35.43'W, 3683 meters, 27 Jan 2002, EBS-epi (ZMH K- 44136). One non-ovigerous female, ANDEEP I, DZMB-HH 10381, station 43, 60°27.12'S, 56°05.10'W, 3961 meters, 0 4 Feb 2002, EBS-epi (ZMH K- 44137). One non-ovigerous female (broken), ANDEEP I, DZMB-HH 10382, station 46, no locality data given, 2926 meters, 28 Jan 2002, ATC (processed for DNA analysis).

Diagnosis. Female. Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites 1 and 2 combined. Pereonites with convex lateral margins. Antennular article 1 shorter than rest of antennule. Antenna article 3 with long (0.4 times as long as article 4) dorsal seta, article 4 with fusion line. Maxilliped basis with long setae (almost as long as palp); palp article 2 with robust serrated inner seta and one long (longer than rest of palp) seta on outer margin. Cheliped merus without ventral process, carpal shield large but without ventral acute-angled process; propodus and dactylus without dorsal crenulations. Pereopods 1–3 basis wider than those of pereopods 4–6.

Etymology. Named after the ANDEEP expeditions.

Description. Female. Body from holotype, appendages from dissected paratype.

Body (Fig. 5 A, B) elongate, 1.8 mm long, more than ten times as long as wide. Cephalothorax shorter than pereonites 1 and 2 combined. Pereonites 1 and 6 wider than long; pereonites 2–4 longer than wide; pereonite 5 square. Pleon short (length including pleotelson about 22% of total body length). All pleonites subequal in length and width. Pleonite 5 posteriorly-directed spine on ventral margin reaching midlength of pleotelson. Pleotelson (Fig. 5 F) as long as two last pleonites combined, widening medially, apex rounded, with three simple and one setulated, pairs of terminal setae.

Antennule (Fig. 6 A) shorter than cephalothorax. Article 1 shorter than other articles combined, without dorsoproximal setae, with one setulose medial seta, and four simple and one setulose distal-subdistal setae. Article 2 more than half as long as article 1, with two setulose, and four simple distal setae of which two are longer than article 3. Article 3 less than half as long as article 2, with three simple and one setulose, distal setae. Article 4 marginally shorter than article 2, with partly fused terminal minute cap-like article, with four simple distal setae and a broken structure that is probably an aesthetasc.

Antenna (Fig. 6 B) 0.75 times as long as antennule. Article 1 broken. Article 2 broken, with numerous dorsal setules and one dorsodistal seta. Article 3 shorter than article 5, with one long (0.4 times as long as article 4) dorsodistal seta. Article 4 longer than other articles, with fusion line, with one medial, one subdistal, and one distal setulose setae and three simple distal setae. Article 5 less than half as long as article 4, with two long distal setae. Article 6 minute, with five simple distal setae.

Mouthparts (Fig. 6 C–I). Labrum (Fig. 6 C) with setulose apex and ventral smooth projection. Mandibles (Fig. 6 D–E) molar process tapering distally, longer than incisor, with small distal spines. Right mandible (Fig. 6 D) incisor with three denticles. Left mandible (Fig. 6 E) lacinia mobilis large and with several denticles, shorter than incisor; incisor bifurcate and with two additional outer denticles. Labium (Fig. 6 F) lobes with setulose apex. Maxillule (Fig. 6 G) endite with eight apical serrated spiniform setae, shaft with several small setules on both margins; palp shorter than endite with two long distal setae (not drawn). Maxilla (Fig. 6 G) remarkably large (almost as large as mandible), widest at base, with numerous evenly spaced small setules. Maxilliped (Fig. 6 H) basis with long (almost as long as palp) lateral seta near palp insertion; endites narrower than basis, separate, each with unarticulated inner denticles and outer seta. Palp article 1 naked; article 2 with one long (longer than rest of palp) simple seta on outer margin, two thick and one robust serrated setae (not as strong as in the previous species) on inner margin; article 3 with two simple short and two thick longer setae on inner margin; article 4 only half as wide as article 3, with four thick inner and one subdistal outer simple setae. Epignath (Fig. 6 I) slender and with setulose apex.

Cheliped (Fig. 5 C) with basis unequally divided by long prominent sclerite (illustrated in fig. 5B), shorter and much thinner than carpus, apparently naked. Merus triangular, with one ventromedial seta. Carpus longer than propodus (including fixed finger), widest distally, with two ventromedial seta and one small dorsal seta at each end, carpal shield huge but not strongly demarcated. Propodus (Fig. 5 D) l/w ratio 1.5; dorsal crest absent and without crenulations, with dorsodistal small simple seta and larger seta at dactylus insertion, with inner diagonal row of four inner setae. Fixed finger with two ventral setae and three on inner margin, inner margin with two small blunt denticles. Dactylus as long as fixed finger, without dorsal crenulations, naked.

Pereopod 1 (Fig. 7 A) coxa naked, not illustrated. Basis longer than three succeeding articles combined and wider than that of pereopods 4–6 (l/w ratio 1.9), with one small simple ventrodistal seta. Ischium with one ventral seta. Merus marginally shorter than carpus, widening distally, with one long, spiniform seta and one simple seta distally, and both ventral and dorsal setules. Carpus more than half as long as propodus, with one spiniform distal seta on each margin and ventral setules. Propodus more than half as long as basis, ventral margin with numerous small spines, with two spiniform ventrodistal setae and several small dorsodistal spines and dorsal seta. Dactylus and unguis combined about half as long as propodus, with one simple proximal seta.

Pereopod 2 (Fig. 7 B) as pereopod 1 except: basis with setulose dorsomedial seta. Carpus with three long spiniform distal setae. Propodus with one spiniform ventrodistal seta and two dorsodistal spines.

Pereopod 3 (Fig. 7 C) as pereopod 2.

Pereopod 4 (Fig. 7 D, E) coxa fused to body. Basis more slender than those of pereopods 1–3 (l/w ratio 2.6), with long setulated ventroproximal seta. Ischium with two setae. Merus with two spiniform setae. Carpus with three spiniform setae and one "bone-shaped" distal seta. Propodus with two spiniform ventrodistal and one dorsodistal setae and ventral row of small spines. Dactylus (Fig. 7 E) shorter than propodus, with two rows of small ventral spines; unguis clearly demarcated, less than half as long as dactylus.

Pereopod 5 (Fig. 7 D) as pereopod 4 except: several ventral and dorsal spinules on basis, merus, and carpus.

Pereopod 6 (Fig. 7 G) as pereopod 4 except: carpus with two small simple, distal setae. Propodus with two ventrodistal and three dorsodistal spiniform setae.

Pleopods (Fig. 5 E) subequal. Endopod with one inner and nine outer apparently simple setae. Exopod with basal seta arising from an incompletely fused rudimentary article and separated from other setae by a gap, with nine outer apparently simple setae of which the most distal is shorter and thicker than the adjacent ones.

Uropod (Fig. 5 F) longer than pleotelson. Basal article as long as exopod, naked. Endopod with two subequal [length] articles; article 1 with one setulated distal seta; article 2 setation lost during dissection. Exopod with two articles, half as long as first endopod article; article 1 with one distal seta; article 2 with one tiny and one long (longer than endopod article) distal setae.

Remarks. This species also keys out to C. armata using Guerrero-Kommritz’s key (2005) but can be separated from this and most subsequently described species, including C. cimarii described above by: the antennule being much more stout and article 1 being shorter than rest of antennule; the cheliped have a much larger carpal shield as well as a much more robust propodus/dactylus. From C. hastata, this species can be separated by the much longer antenna article 3.


Published as part of Larsen, Kim & Araújo-Silva, Catarina L., 2014, The ANDEEP Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) revisited III: the family Akanthophoreidae, pp. 237-264 in Zootaxa 3796 (2) on pages 246-255, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3796.2.2,


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