Published December 31, 2012 | Version v1
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Scrupocellaria ellisi Vieira & Spencer, 2012, n. sp.


Scrupocellaria ellisi n. sp.

(Figs 4, 18–23, 25, 27)

Cellularia reptans: Pallas 1766: 73. [European sea]

Not Sertularia reptans Linnaeus, 1758: 815; 1767: 1315. [Oceano]? Sertularia reptans: Fabricius 1780: 445. [Greenland]

? Sertularia reptans: Olivi 1792: 290. [Adriatic]

? Sertularia reptans: Turton 1807: 217. [British coast]

? Canda reptans: Gosse 1856: 11, fig. 12. [British coast] Crisia reptans: Lamouroux 1816: 140. [European sea]

Cellaria reptans: Lamarck 1816: 141. [European sea]

Cellaria reptans: Bertoloni 1819: 272. [Italy]

Crisia reptans: Lamouroux 1824a: 60. [European sea]

Crisia reptans: Lamouroux 1824b: 225. [European sea]

? Crisia reptans: Risso 1826: 3185. [European sea]

? Cellularia reptans: Fleming 1828: 540. [British coast]? Cellularia reptans: Bosc 1830: 132. [European sea]

Cellaria reptans: Lamarck 1836: 191. [European sea]

Cellularia reptans: Johnston 1838a: 291, pl. 38, fig. 3–4. [British coast] Cellaria reptans: Johnston 1838b: 262. [British coast]

? Cellularia reptans: Hassall 1840: 72. [Ireland]

? Cellularia reptans: Reid 1845: 385, pl. 12, figs 1–5. [Scotland] Cellularia reptans: Dalyell 1847: 235, pl. 45, figs 1–4. [Scotland] Cellularia reptans: Johnston 1847: 336, pl. 38, figs 3–4. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: Gray 1848: 112. [British coast]

? Cellularia reptans: d’Orbigny 1851: 50. [France, Fossil] Canda reptans: Busk 1852: 26, pl. 21, figs 3–4. [British coast]? Cellularia reptans: Landsborough 1852: 339. [British coast]? Cellularia reptans: Gosse 1853: 435. [British coast]

Cellularia reptans: Alder 1856: 148. [British coast]

Cellularia reptans: Smitt 1867: 318, pl. 17, fig. 37-4. [Scandinavia] Canda reptans: Heller 1867: 87. [Adriatic]

Scrupocellaria reptans: Hincks 1880: 52 (part), pl. 7, figs 1–6, 7. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: Pennington 1885: 223, pl. 17, fig. 5. [British coast]? Scrupocellaria reptans: Carus 1889: 5. [Mediterranean]

Scrupocellaria reptans: Levinsen 1894: 44, pl. 1, figs 26–31. [Denmark] Scrupocellaria reptans: Nordgaard 1900: 5. [Norway]

Scrupocellaria reptans: Nichols 1907: 82. [Ireland]

? Scrupocellaria reptans: Calvet 1907: 374. [European sea]

? Scrupocellaria reptans: Canu & Bassler 1928: 19. [Tunisia]

? Scrupocellaria reptans: Marcus 1940: 173, fig. 91. [Denmark]

? Scrupocellaria reptans: Eggleston 1963: 50. [Isle of Man]

Scrupocellaria reptans: Ryland 1965: 57, fig. 28a-c. [European sea] Scrupocellaria reptans: Ryland & Hayward 1977: 135, fig. 64. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: Hayward 1987: 92, fig. XI.27. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: Hayward & Ryland 1990: 817, fig. 14.8. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: Hayward & Ryland 1998: 270 (part), fig. 90A-B. [British coast] Scrupocellaria reptans: de Blauwe 2009: 240, figs 245–246. [Belgium and Netherlands]

Examined material. Holotype: NHMUK 1911.10.1.353, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Shetland, British Isles. Additional specimens: NHMUK 1812.12.21.386, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Isle of Wight, Mr Waddington; NHMUK 1812.12.21.388, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Birterbuy Bay, Ireland 1874; NHMUK 1812.12.21.389, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Strangford Lough, Ireland; NHMUK 1812.12.27.840A, Canda reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Norway 1878; NHMUK 1842.12.19.2, Scrupocellaria reptans, G. Johnston collection, British coast; NHMUK 1849.1.30.67, Scrupocellaria reptans, W.P. Cocks collection, Falmouth, British Isles; NHMUK 1867.5.7.24, Scrupocellaria reptans, G.D. Westendorp herbarium, Belgium; NHMUK 1868.3.13.2, Canda reptans, Prof. Sven Loven, Skar, Bohuslän, Sweden; NHMUK 1882.2.28.9, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1882.7.7.94, Scrupocellaria reptans, Director, Kew, England; NHMUK 1884.12.12.9 (part), Scrupocellaria reptans (part), O. Ridley det., Thanet coast; NHMUK 1885.12.5.22, Scrupocellaria reptans, E.F. Nolte herbarium, Dithmarschen, Germany; NHMUK 1885.12.5.37, Scrupocellaria reptans, E.F. Nolte herbarium, Föhr, Germany; NHMUK 1885.8.24.1, Scrupocellaria reptans, W. Saville Kent collection, Jersey; NHMUK 1886.1.9.4, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1889.9.17.3, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1890.8.27.2, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1890.8.29.2, Canda reptans, G. Busk collection (Kirchenpauer), Helgoland, Germany; NHMUK 1892.2.13.6, Scrupocellaria reptans, John Murray, between Plockton and Loch Arisaig, 8–24 fms; NHMUK 1897.5.1.214–216, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1899.5.1.359, Canda reptans, T. Hincks collection, [no locality]; NHMUK 1899.5.1.359, Canda reptans, T. Hincks, collection, Great Britain; NHMUK 1899.7.1.4450, 4551, 4556, 4557, Scrupocellaria reptans, G. B usk collection, [no locality]; NHMUK 1899.7.1.5781, 5783, 1585, Canda reptans, G. Busk collection, Weymouth, British Isles; NHMUK 1911.10.1.351, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, G. Barlee leg.; NHMUK 1911.10.1.352, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Bergen Fjord 1878; NHMUK 1911.10.1.354, Canda reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Adriatic (Prof. Heller); NHMUK 1911.10.1.356, Scrupocellaria reptans, A.M. Norman collection, Guernsey, Channel Islands; NHMUK 1961.8.14.1, Scrupocellaria reptans, [no locality]; NHMUK 1963.3.6.30, Scrupocellaria reptans, C.H. O’Donoghue collection, Lochranza, Isle of Arran, Scotland; NHMUK 2010.12.6.24, Scrupocellaria reptans (part), C.H. O’Donoghue collection, Arisaig, Scotland, British Isles; NHMUK 1963.3.6.37, Scrupocellaria reptans, C.H. O’Donoghue collection, Lochranza, Isle of Arran, British Isles, 1933; NHMUK 1963.3.6.7a, Scrupocellaria reptans (part), C.H. O’Donoghue collection, Gairloch, Scotland; NHMUK 1975.7.18.13, R. Lagaaij leg. et det., [no locality]; NHMUK 1994.3.4.5–6, Scrupocellaria reptans, P. Hayward det., J. Ellis leg., East side of Dun, St. Kilda, July 1993; NHMUK 1994.8.25.3, 8, Scrupocellaria reptans, J.R. Lewis leg. et det., Loch Sween, Argyll, British Isles; NHMUK 2003.6.3.1, Scrupocellaria reptans, K.J. Tilbrook leg. et det., Strandline, Portmeirion, Wales, 10 March 1996; NHMUK 2005.1.14.8, Scrupocellaria reptans, S.M. Turk det., St. Ives, Cornwall, 18 August 1974, P. Renwick leg.; NHMUK 2010.12.6.23, Scrupocellaria reptans, D. Turner herbarium, Scotland; NHMUK 2010.12.6.29–30. Scrupocellaria reptans, Tasmania.

Description. Colony erect, branched, internodes comprising 5–12 zooids. Lateral edge of internode almost straight to slightly curved; chitinous joint passing across gymnocyst and below or slightly overlapping opesia in both outer zooids (C and D) of bifurcation, and across proximal gymnocyst of inner zooids (F and G). Autozooid subelongate, slightly narrower proximally, 0.400– 0.615 mm long, 0.190–0.220 mm wide, with smooth proximal gymnocyst. Opesia oval, occupying distal half (approximately) of zooid, cryptocyst very narrow, inconspicuous. Scutum inserted at midline of inner edge of opesia, branched, occupying almost entire opesial area, slender, flattened, branched 2–3 times, with 8–13 stout projections at distal tips; scutum angled at 115–155°, with first branches about 0.045–0.060 mm wide, secondary branches about 0.035–0.045 mm. Zooid spines as follows: 1 long distal spine, 3 outer spines, 1–2 inner spines; most proximal outer and inner spines directed frontally; axial zooid with 5 distal spines. One distolateral avicularium sometimes present on each zooid, distolaterally directed and obscured by outer distal spines; rostrum triangular, with slightly serrated lateral edge, mandible triangular. A large avicularium present on gymnocyst of some zooids, sometimes robust, rostrum serrated laterally, slightly curved and directed forwards; mandible triangular with hooked tip. A basal vibracular chamber often present proximally on basal surface of each zooid, 0.130–0.140 mm long, 0.100– 0.135 mm wide, rarely conspicuous in frontal view; setal groove directed transversely, straight, with smooth seta longer than one zooid length. A single axial vibraculum. A rhizoidal foramen on proximal outer corner of each basal vibracular chamber, absent in axial vibracula. Rhizoids smooth, attachment disc-like, with some projections at distal end. Ovicell hyperstomial, hemispherical, with 12–18 small rounded pores; 2 outer and 2 inner distal spines in ovicelled zooids.

Remarks. This species was previously recorded by numerous authors as S. reptans. Scrupocellaria ellisi n. sp., named after the British naturalist John Ellis (1714–1776), is distinguished by smooth (not hooked) rhizoids, robust more-branched scuta and ovicells with small rounded pores.

Distribution. Widespread in North Sea, British Channel, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea; Adriatic and Tasmania.


Published as part of Vieira, Leandro M. & Spencer, Mary E., 2012, The identity of Sertularia reptans Linnaeus, 1758 (Bryozoa, Candidae), pp. 26-42 in Zootaxa 3563 on pages 34-38, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.282940


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Scrupocellaria ellisi Vieira & Spencer, 2012


  • Pallas, P. S. (1766) Elenchus Zoophytorum, sistens generum adumbrationes generaliores et specierum cognitarum succinctas descriptions, cum selectis auctorum synonymis. Petrum van Cleef, Hague, 451 p.
  • Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema Naturae per Regna Triae Naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Edn 10. Laurentii Salvii, Holmiae, i - iv, 824 p.
  • Fabricius, O. (1780) Fauna Groenlandica, systematice sistens animalia Groenlandiae occidentalis hactenus indagata, quoad nomen specificum, triviale, vernaculumque … Rothe, Hafniae, Lipsiae, i - xiv, 452 p.
  • Olivi, G. (1792) Zoologia Adriatica ossia catalogo ragionato degli Animali del Golfo e delle Laguna di Venezia; preceduto da una dissertazione sulla storia fisica e naturale del Golfo; e accompagnato da memorie, ed osservazioni di fisica storia naturale ed economia. Bassano, x + 334 p., 32 pls.
  • Turton, W. (1807) British Fauna, containing a compendium of the Zoology of the British Islands: arranged according to the Linnean System. J. Evans, Swansea, vii + 230 p.
  • Gosse, P. H. (1856) A Manual of Marine Zoology for the British Isles. Part II. John Van Voorst, London, iv + 239 p.
  • Lamouroux, J. V. F. (1816) Histoire des Polypiers Coralligenes Flexibles, vulgairement nommes Zoophytes. F. Poisson, Caen, lxxxiv + 557 p., pls 1 - 13.
  • Lamarck, J. B. P. A. de M. de (1816) Histoire naturelle des Animaux sans Vertebres. Tome 2. Verdiere, Paris, 568 p.
  • Bertoloni, A. (1819) Amoenitates Italicae sistentes opuscula ad rem Herbariam et Zoologicam Italiae spectantia. Bononiai, 472 p., 6 pls.
  • Lamouroux, J. V. F. (1824 a) Corallina; or, a classical arrangement of flexible coralline polypidoms, selected from the French of J. V. F. L a m o u ro u x, D. E. S. A. J. Valpy, sold by Sherwood & Co., London, iv + 284 p, 19 pls.
  • Lamouroux, J. V. F. (1824 b) Histoire naturelle des Zoophytes ou Animaux rayonnes, faisant suite a l'histoire naturelle des Vers de Bruguiere. Encyclopedie Methodique, Livr. 95, Tome 2, 1 re partie, des Vers. Mme Veuve Agasse, Paris, vii + 376 p.
  • Risso, A. (1826) Histoire naturelle des Principales Productions de l'Europe meridionale et particulierement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. Vol. 5. F. - G. Levrault, Paris, 403 p., 10 pls.
  • Fleming, J. (1828) A History of British Animals, exhibiting their descriptive characters and systematical arrangement of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, Mollusca, and Radiata of the United Kingdom. Bell & Bradfute, Edinburgh, xxiii + 565 p.
  • Bosc, L. - A. - G. (1830) Histoire naturelle des Vers. 2 nd edn, Vol. 3, Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, Paris, 342 p.
  • Johnston, G. (1838 a) A History of the British Zoophytes. W. H. Lizars, Edinburgh, London & Dublin, xii + 341 p., 44 pls.
  • Johnston, G. (1838 b) A descriptive catalogue of the recent Zoophytes found on the coast of North Durham. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne, 2, 239 - 272.
  • Hassall, A. H. (1840) Catalogue of Irish Zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6, 166 - 175, pls 5 - 7.
  • Reid, J. (1845) Anatomical and Physiological observations on some Zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 16, 385 - 400.
  • Johnston, G. (1847) A History of the British Zoophytes. 2 nd Edn. J. Van Voorst, London. Vol. 1, xvi + 488 p.; Vol. 2, 74 pls.
  • Gray, J. E. (1848) List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 1. Centroniae or radiated Animals. Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, 173 p.
  • Busk, G. (1852) Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum, I. Cheilostomata (part). Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), London, vii + 54 p., pls 1 - 68.
  • Landsborough, D. (1852) A Popular History of British Zoophytes or Corallines. Reeve & Co., London, xii + 404 p., 20 pls.
  • Gosse, P. H. (1853) A Naturalist's Rambles on the Devonshire Coast. John Van Voorst, London, xvi + 451 p., 28 pls.
  • Alder, J. (1856) A catalogue of the zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, 3, 93 - 162.
  • Smitt, F. A. (1867) Kritisk forteckning ofver Skandinaviens Hafs-Bryozoer, II. Ofversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar, 23, 295 - 534.
  • Heller, C. (1867) Die Bryozoen des adriatischen Meeres. Verhamdlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 17, 77 - 136.
  • Hincks, T. (1880) A History of the British Marine Polyzoa. Van Voorst, London. Vol. 1, xlix + 601 p.; Vol. 2, 93 pls.
  • Pennington, A. S. (1885) British Zoophytes: an introduction to the Hydroida, Actinozoa, and Polyzoa found in Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Islands. L. Reeve & Co., London, xvi + 363 p., 24 pls.
  • Carus, J. V. (1889) Prodromus Faunae Mediterraneae sive descriptio Animalium Maris Mediterranei incolarum, quam comparata silva rerum quatenus innotuit adiectis locis et nominibus vulgaribus eorumque auctoribus in commodum Zoologorum. Volume 2, Brachiostomata. Mollusca. Tunicata. Vertebrata. E. Schwizerbart'sche Velagshandlung (E. Koch), Stuttgart, 854 p.
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  • Marcus, E. (1940) Mosdyr (Bryozoa eller Polyzoa). Danmarks Fauna, 46, 1 - 401.
  • Eggleston, D. (1963) Marine Polyzoa of the Isle of Man. PhD Thesis, University of Liverpool, 148 p.
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  • Hayward, P. J. (1987) Animals on Seaweed. [Naturalists Handbooks 9.] Richmond Publishing Company, Richmond, iii + 108 p.
  • Hayward, P. J. & Ryland, J. S. (1990) The Marine Fauna of the British Isles and North-West Europe. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 627 p.
  • Hayward, P. J. & Ryland, J. S. (1998) Cheilostomatous Bryozoa. Part. 1. Aeteoidea - Cribrilinoidea. Synopsies of the British Fauna, n. s., 10, 1 - 366.
  • De Blauwe, H. (2009) Mosdiertjes van de Zuidelijke bocht van de Noordzee: Determinatiewerk voor Belgie en Nederland. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), Oostende, Belgium, 445 p.