Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Odocnemis zoltani Nabozhenko 2008


Odocnemis zoltani Nabozhenko, 2008

Figs. 13, 44A, B, 51

anatolicus Kaszab, 1961: 173 (Catomus (Stenomacidius), secondary homonymy, nom. praeocc. non Odocnemis anatolicus (Pic, 1899), description); Nabozhenko 2006b: 802 (Odocnemis, type material, new combination).

zoltani Nabozhenko, 2008: 36 (Odocnemis, nom. nov. pro Odocnemis anatolicus (Kaszab, 1961)); Nabozhenko & Löbl 2008: 245 (Odocnemis, in catalogue).

Type material (studied). Holotype (♂) and paratypes (1♂, 4♀♀) with labels: “Anatolia—Toros Berendi / Eregli 2000 m, leg. Müche”, “ Catomus anatolicus det. Z. Kaszab” (SMND).

Other studied material. Turkey, Karaman Province, Ayranci, 1000 m, 3.iv.1978, leg. Heinz, 1♀ (SNMS). Turkey, Karaman Province, Ayranci District, 10 km S Kıraman, 37°11′851″ N 33°59′ 208″E, 1962 m, 19.iv.2008, leg. M.V. Nabozhenko, 6♂♂, 12♀♀ (ZIN, several specimens in BMNH); the same locality, 17.v.2009, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 3♂♂, 1♀ (dry material) and 1♂, 5♀♀ (in ethanol) (ZDEU); Turkey, İçel Province, Dümbelek Dağ (Ayranci road), 37°00′34.5″N 34°05′24.7″E, 2092 m,, leg. B. Keskin, under stones, 2♂♂, 6♀♀ (ZDEU).

Redescription, male. Body length 9.6–10.8 mm, body width 3.6–4.3 mm. Body wide, weakly convex, dull; elytra and ventral side brown; head and pronotum red-brown or dark-rufous, rarely light-brown (in small specimens); legs and antennae red-brown. Head wide, widest at level of the eyes. Eyes large, weakly convex, widely located. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.6. Genae strongly rounded. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus without emargination, rarely with weak emargination. Punctation of head fine, moderately dense: diameter of punctures subequal to distance between punctures; frons with less dense punctation: distance between punctures visibly longer than diameter of punctures. Antennae not long, with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum, reaching 1/4 of elytral length. Pronotum transverse (1.3 × as wide as long), widest before middle, 1.45 × as wide as head. Lateral margins weakly rounded, not sinuate in base.

Anterior margin widely emarginated; base weakly rounded, rarely trisinuate. Anterior angles obtuse, widely rounded on apex, posterior angles also obtuse, narrowly rounded on apex. All margins narrowly beaded, base more widely beaded. Disc weakly regularly convex. Punctation of disc fine and sparse; diameter of punctures visibly less than distance between punctures. Hypomera not flattened on outer margins, with fine smooth wrinkles. Elytra elongate (1.8 × as long as wide), weakly convex, widest at middle, 1.2 × as wide and 2.9 × as long as pronotum, 1.8 × as wide as head. Strial punctures merged in entire deep furrows. Elytral intervals flat, with fine distinct punctation and small tubercles in apical part. Suture narrowly rimmed to the middle of elytra. Epipleural carinae visible dorsally only in basal and apical parts, epipleura reaching sutural angles of elytra, not flattened (but thickened) on apex. Narrow inner carinae of epipleura not reaching elytral apex. Lateral margins of elytra not sinuate on apex. Ventral side of body (meso- and metaventrite, abdominal ventrites) with recumbent pubescence of short light hairs. Abdominal ventrites with fine and sparse punctation. Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 with finer punctation and small depression in apical part, without pubescence, not beaded apically. Legs moderately long. Femora smooth or weakly rugose on inner side, not pubescent. All tibiae with large distinct teeth and dense pubescence of subrecumbent hairs on inner side; metatibiae with very dense and long pubescence of subrecumbent hairs. Protibiae weakly curved inwards; meso- and metatibiae straight. Each trochanter with 1 long setae and some very short hairs.

Redescription, female. Body length 9.5–13.5 mm, body width 3.3–5.4 mm. Body more robust. Pronotum more transverse (1.34–1.5 × as wide as long). Legs and antennae shorter than in male. Antennae shorter, only with 3 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum, reaching 1/6 of elytral length. Abdominal ventrite 5 with distinct oval depression in apical part.

Bionomics. The species inhabits high mountain steppe (from 1000 to 2100 m) and is found at night (21:00– 23:00) on stones with lichens.

Odocnemis evestigata sp. n. Figs. 14, 44 C, D, 51, 54A, B

Type material. Holotype, ♂ (ZDEU) and paratypes (5♂♂, 8♀♀ in ZIN; 1♂, 1♀ in BMNH; 10♂♂, 4♀♀ (dry material) and 16♂♂, 20♀♀ (in ethanol) in ZDEU): Turkey, Içel Province, Çamlıyayla, 37°10′307″ N 34°31′ 239″E, 1900 m, 18.v.2009, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin. Other paratypes: Turkey, Adana Province, 20 km NW Erdemli, 13–15. 1992 [without month!], leg. V. Bíža, 1♀ (CL ex coll. H. Bremer); Turcia [Turkey], Mt. Taurus mer. Nemrun (Çamlıyayla), 1400 m, 24–, leg. K. Gaskó, 2♀♀ (CS); Tr. m. [Turkey merid.], Arsanli,, leg. Z. Švec, 2♀♀ (CT); Turkey, 30 km N Erdemli, Aslanlı,, leg. Ma. Halada, 1♀ (CL ex coll. H. Bremer); Turkey, Içel Province, above Arslanköy, 1800 m, 16.iv.2007, on Abies cilicica and Cedrus libani, leg. M.V. Nabozhenko, 4♂♂, 5♀♀ (ZIN); the same locality, 17.v.2010, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 4♂♂, 5♀♀ (dry material) and 13♂♂, 6♀♀ (in ethanol) (ZDEU); Turkey, Içel Province, Güzeloluk, 1400 m, 16– 18.v.2008, leg. I.V. Shokhin, 12♂♂, 18♀♀ (ZIN), 1♂ and 1♀ (TAU); Turkey, Içel Province, Gülekboğazı, 37°20′17″N 34°45′48.8″E, 1520 m, 17.v.2010, under Cedrus libani, Abies cilicica, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 1♀ (ZIN) and 1♂, 1♀ (ZDEU).

Description, male. Body length 9.2–11.8 mm, body width 3.6–4.7 mm. Body robust, moderately shining, dorsally black, rarely with light bronze shine; ventral side brown, abdominal ventrites black. Head widest at level of the eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.7. Genae angular basally. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus weakly widely emarginated. Punctation of head coarse and dense: punctures round, their diameter about twice as wide as distance between punctures. Antennae long, (reaching 1/3 of elytral length; 1.15 × as short as elytra), with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Antennomer 11 strongly elongated, 4.5 × as long as wide. Pronotum transverse (1.3 × as wide as long), widest before middle, rarely at middle, 1.55 × as wide as head. Lateral margins weakly rounded, often corrugated, not sinuate near base (rarely with weak small emargination). Anterior margin widely emarginated near anterior angles; base almost straight, weakly widely sinuate at middle. Anterior angles acute, visibly projected, widely rounded on apex; posterior angles obtuse, distinct on apex. All margins narrowly beaded. Disc weakly convex, weakly flattened near posterior angles, often with shallow depression on each side of lateral margins. Punctation of disc coarse and dense; diameter of punctures visibly more than distance between punctures. Hypomera narrowly weakly flattened on lateral sides, with longitudinal wrinkles. Elytra elongated (1.7 × as long as wide), moderately convex, widest at middle, rarely behind middle, 1.25 × as wide and 2.8 × as long as pronotum, 2 × as wide as head. Strial punctures round, deep, connected by narrow furrows. Elytral intervals flat, with fine distinct punctation and large granules. Epipleural carinae completely visible dorsally; epipleura reaching sutural angles of elytra, not flattened (but thickened) on apex Narrow inner carinae of epipleura not reaching elytral apex. Lateral margins of elytra weakly sinuate near apex. Ventral side of body not pubescent. Abdominal ventrites with fine, moderately coarse punctation (diameter of punctures less than distance between punctures). Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 with longitudinal depression on apex and dense pubescence of goldish hairs, completely beaded. Legs moderately long. Femora smooth and shining on inner side, not pubescent. Protibiae curved inwards in middle, with 3–5 large and some small teeth on inner side; mesotibiae curved, rarely widened on apex, without teeth; metatibiae straight, with normal not deep pubescence of recumbent hairs, without teeth. Each trochanter with one long setae.

Description, female. Body length 9.5–12.3 mm, body width 3.8–5.3 mm. Body more robust. Pronotum more transverse (1.4 × as wide as long), widest at middle. Lateral sides of pronotum often weakly flattened. Antennae shorter, with only 3 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum, reaching 1/4 of elytral length. Elytral intervals flat. Abdominal ventrite 5 with one deep round and 2 weak elongate depressions, weakly pubescent in apical part, with long hairs only on margin.

Etymology. Latin “ evestigata ” is translated as “found”, “found out”. This refer to the fact that specimens of the new species were discovered among those of similar O. torosica.

Bionomics. Adult specimens of this species were collected on trunks of Cedrus and Abies between 20:00 and 23:00.

Diagnosis. The new species is similar to O. torosica and O. zoltani, but differs from them by the following characters: anal abdominal ventrite with dense (in males) or not dense (in females) long hairs on surface or apex (both other species have bare anal ventrite, or regularly covered by simple setae in O. zoltani); anterior angles of pronotum visibly projected (anterior angles in O. torosica and O. zoltani not projected); metatibiae of male are with only simple setaetion on inner side (they are densely pubescent by long suberected hairs on inner side in O. zoltani and O. torosica).

Odocnemis torosica sp. n.

Figs. 15, 16, 40 E, F, 44G, H, 51, 54A

Type material. Holotype, ♂ and 21 paratypes (9♂♂, 10♀♀ in ZIN, 1♂, 1♀ in BMNH): Turkey, Içel Province, above Arslanköy, 1800 m, 16.iv.2007, on Juniperus excelsa, leg. M.V. Nabozhenko. Paratypes: Turkey, Içel Province, near Çamlıyayla, 1700 m, 18.v.2009 on Juniperus excelsa, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 2♂♂, 1♀ (ZIN), 3♀♀ (dry material) and 1♂, 6♀♀ (in ethanol) (ZDEU); Turkey, Içel Province, Gülekboğazı, 37°20′17″N 34°45′48.8″E, 1520 m, 17.v.2010, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 3♂♂ (ZIN), 2♂♂, 2♀♀ (dry material) (ZDEU); Turkey, Kayseri Province, Develi District, Çadıryeri, 38°10′52.2″N 35°56′42.8″E, 14.iv.2014, leg. M.V. and S.V. Nabozhenko, B. Keskin, 2♂♂, 2♀♀ (ZIN, CN), 5♀♀ (ZDEU).

Description, male. Body length 10.2–12.5 mm, body width 3.8–4.7 mm. Body moderately slender, with weakly shining, sometimes dull, dark-brown,. Head widest at level of eyes. Eyes large, convex. Ratio of head width at eyes to distance between eyes: 1.6. Genae strongly rounded. Lateral margin of head between gena and clypeus with distinct emargination. Punctation of head moderately coarse, dense: diameter of punctures more than distance between punctures. Antennae long (reaching 1/3 of elytral length, 1.1 × as short as elytra), with 4 apical antennomeres extending beyond base of pronotum. Pronotum transverse (1.24–1.36 × as wide as long), widest before middle, 1.45 × as wide as head. Lateral margins weakly rounded, sometimes shortly sinuate in base. Anterior margin straight or widely emarginated; base weakly rounded. Anterior angles obtuse, not projected, widely rounded on apex; posterior angles obtuse, narrowly rounded on apex. All margins of pronotum narrowly beaded. Disc regularly weakly convex (rarely with weakly flattened lateral sides). Punctation of disc fine, not dense; distance between punctures 1.5–2 × as wide as diameter of punctures, punctures round. Hypomera narrowly flattened on lateral margin, with fine, smooth wrinkles. Elytra moderately convex, widest at middle (1.65–1.8 × as long as wide), 1.2–1.3 × as wide and 2.7–2.9 × as long as pronotum, 1.7 × as wide as head. Strial punctures merged in entire deep furrows. Elytral intervals flat or weakly convex, with moderately coarse not dense punctation and small distinct tubercles apically and laterally. Epipleural carina completely visible dorsally; epipleura reaching sutural angle of elytra, not flattened (epipleuron thickened) on apex. Narrow inner carina of epipleura not reaching elytral apex. Some populations have mucron on elytral apex. Lateral margins of elytra sinuate or not sinuate near apex (accordingly mucron present or absent). Ventral side of body bare. Abdominal ventrites 1–4 with fine and sparse punctation. Ventrite 1 without hair brush; ventrite 5 convex, with finer and denser punctation, without pubescence, with shallow longitudinal depression apically, completely beaded. Legs. Femora smooth and shining on inner side, not pubescent. Protibiae straight, with 4–7 teeth on inner side; mesotibiae straight (rarely curved inwards), without teeth or with 2–3 weak granules (population from Arslanköy) or with 2–3 distinct teeth (populations from eastern part of range: İçel—Çamlıyayla, Gülekboğazı, Kayseri—Çadıryeri); metatibiae straight or weakly curved, without teeth or granules, with dense and long pubescence of subrecumbent hairs. Each trochanter with one long setae.

Description, female. Body length 10–14.7 mm, body width 4.2–6.2 mm. Body more robust. Pronotum widest at middle (rarely behind middle). Abdominal ventrite 5 not convex, bare, with not deep round depression apically.

Etymology. The name “ torosica ” derives from Turkish ‘Toros Dağları’ (Taurus Mountains).

Bionomics. The species was found at night (20:00–1:00) on trunks of Juniperus excelsa.

Diagnosis. Odocnemis torosica sp. n. is similar to O. zoltani, from which it differs by the following characters: metaventrite and abdominal ventrites bare (they are regularly pubescent with short recumbent hairs in O. zoltani); body slender (at least in males), monochrome, dark-brown (body of O. zoltani wide, robust, brown, in male often bicoloured: pronotum red-brown, head and elytra brown); metatibiae of male usually without teeth or granules, rarely (subspecies O. t. subangulata sp. n.) with teeth (metatibiae of male in O. zoltani with 4–6 distinct teeth). Differences between the new species and O. evestigata sp. n. can be found in the diagnosis of the latter.


Published as part of Nabozhenko, Maxim & Keskin, Bekir, 2016, Revision of the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from Turkey, the Caucasus and Iran with observations on feeding habits, pp. 1-97 in Zootaxa 4202 (1) on pages 27-34, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4202.1.1,


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  • Kaszab, Z. (1961) Zwei neue Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera) aus Arabien und Kleinasien. Abhandlungen und Berichten aus dem Staatlichen Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden, 26, 169 - 175.
  • Pic, M. (1899) Diagnoses preliminaires d'Helopidae d'Asie Mineure (Col.). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 1899, 1 - 411.
  • Nabozhenko, M. V. & Lobl, I. (2008) Tribe Helopini. In: Lobl, I. & Smetana, A. (Eds.) Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera. Fol. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Stenstrup, Apollo books, pp. 241 - 257.