Published November 9, 2021 | Version v2
Conference paper Open

Analysis of the prevalence and approaches to the treatment of ent diseases in certain countries of the European and Asian regions

  • 1. MNPE "City Clinical Hospital No.30" of KhCC, Kharkіv, Ukraine
  • 2. Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kharkіv, Ukraine
  • 3. Kharkіv Regional Institute of Public Health Services, Kharkіv, Ukraine


1. In English cite as: [Samusenko SO, Serdiuk OI, Shevchenko AS. Analysis of the prevalence and approaches to the treatment of ent diseases in certain countries of the European and Asian regions. The 2nd International scientific and practical conference “Modern science: innovations and prospects” (Sweden, Stockholm, November 7-9, 2021). P 93-100.]

An analysis of the incidence of ENT diseases in some countries of Europe and Asia. In particular, comparable approaches to conducting systematic research in Poland and Thailand on the analysis of requests for primary care, the order and validity of the appointment of antibiotics. The approaches of using the general ideas of the region to reduce the incidence and increase the effectiveness of treatment in comparison with our own long-term research and consistent achievement of the result of reducing the unjustified (excessive) use of antibiotics are analyzed.

Keywords: health care management, ENT pathology in children, antibiotic resistance, foreign experience, Poland, Thailand, health care providers.

2. Materials of the conference

The 2nd International scientific and practical conference “Modern science: innovations and prospects” (November 7-9, 2021) SSPG Publish, Stockholm, Sweden. 2021. 804 p. ISBN 978-91-87224-02-7.

3. Certificates of conference participants

Samusenko Serhii Oleksandrovych

Serdiuk Oleksandr Ivanovych

Shevchenko Alexander Sergeevich


2021 Art Conf Stockholm Samusenko, Serdiuk, Shevchenko.pdf

Additional details


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