Published November 10, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Dataset from paper "Canopy palm cover across the Brazilian Amazon forests mapped with airborne LiDAR data and deep learning"

  • 1. National Institute for Space Research - INPE


Data and code from the paper:

Dalagnol, R., Wagner, F. H., Emilio, T., Streher, A. S., Galvão, L. S., Ometto, J. P. H. B., & Aragão, L. E. O. C. (2022). Canopy palm cover across the Brazilian Amazon forests mapped with airborne LiDAR data and deep learning. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1–14.



This repository contains:

1) model_train.R: This is the code to run the U-Net model in R language.

2) input.rar: Dataset of lidar canopy height model (CHM) images and masks (labels) patches of canopy palms obtained from four sites in the Brazilian Amazon. The images/masks have 128 x 128 pixels, where each pixel represents 0.5 m in the terrain. The dataset contains 2,269 images and masks, with close to 7,000 palms manually labelled.

3) unet_weights_best.h5: These are the best weights for the U-Net architecture achieved in the paper.

4) palm_stats.RData: Data frame with the lat/lon coordinates and palm metrics extracted for the 610 lidar sites in the Brazilian Amazon. (i) n_total is the number of palms, (ii) n_ha is the density of palms per hectare, (iii) crown_ metrics are based on the area of palm segments (in square meters), (iv) cover_total is the total area occupied by palms in the forest canopy (in square meters), (v) cover_rel is the relative cover of palms in the forest canopy (in percentage), (vi) height_ metrics are based on the height of palm segments (in meters), (vii) palm_height_dif_mean is the mean difference between palm height and local canopy height, and (viii) palm_height_dif_pvalue is the p-value assessing the statistical difference between the palm and canopy heights where 0 means no difference and -1/+1 means a negative/positive difference.


If you need anything else, please contact the corresponding author: Ricardo Dalagnol (


If you use these data, please cite the paper:

Dalagnol, R., Wagner, F. H., Emilio, T., Streher, A. S., Galvão, L. S., Ometto, J. P. H. B., & Aragão, L. E. O. C. (2022). Canopy palm cover across the Brazilian Amazon forests mapped with airborne LiDAR data and deep learning. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 1–14.


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