Published December 31, 2007 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Donus comatus Boheman 1842


Donus comatus (Boheman, 1842)

Dieckmann 1989: 99.

Material. (7 mature larvae), collected in the field: CZ–Moravia bor., Hrubý Jeseník Mts., Karlov env., NPR Velký kotel,, J. Skuhrovec leg. (7) (on Chaerophyllum hirsutum L.).

Differential diagnosis. Mandible with three teeth (x D. crini-tus, D. reichei and Hypera -species) (Fig. 11). Prn, prs and pds1–4 on thoracic segments hairform (x D. austerus, D. intermedius, D. osellai, D. reichei and D. tesselatus). Pds2 on dorsum of meso- and metathorax not the shortest seta (x D. palumbarius and D. tesselatus). Pds2 and pds3 on meso- and metathorax not close each other (x D. intermedius, D. oxalidis and D. tesselatus) (all Fig. 12). Prn, prs and pds1–4 on thoracic segments and prs, pds1–5 on abdominal segments I– VIII short (x D. cyrtus, D. intermedius and D. oxalidis) (Figs 12–13). Prs and pds1–5 on abdominal segments I–VIII hairform (x D. austerus, D. crinitus, D. intermedius, D. osellai, D. palumbarius, D. reichei and D. tesselatus). Prodorsum of abdominal segments I–VII only with one seta (prs) (x D. osellai). Pds1–5 on abdominal segments I–VII in line, not pds2 positioned anteriad to pds3 and pds4 anteriad to pds5 (x D. cyrtus, D.

intermedius, D. oxalidis and D. tesselatus). Pds4 on dorsum of abdominal segments I–VI not the longest seta (x D. palumbarius) (all Fig. 13).

Description of mature larva.

COLORATION. Head orange, posterior and lateral margins of epicranium dark brown. Dorsal side of body green with slightly white median stripe and short white stripes along median stripe.

HEAD. Head width 1.07 mm (1.00– 1.13 mm), head length 0.99 mm (0.93–1.03 mm) (Table. 1). Frontal sutures distinct, slender, anteriorly nearly indistinct. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly concave (Fig. 8) with weak pigmentation. Labrum pale brown; anterior margin with slender median excision, posterior margin with long and wide median projection (Fig. 8). Mandibles with three sharp teeth apically (Fig. 11), first tooth largest; basal part of mandible with distinct tuberosity.

THORAX. Spiracle with oval airtubes oriented dorsad.

ABDOMEN. Spiracles with oval airtubes oriented posteriad.

CHAETOTAXY. Head. Setae hairform. Des2 minutely shorter than des4; des2 about 0.6 x des1 and des5, approximately of same length; about 0.8 x des3 (Fig. 8). Both les long, les1 about 0.7 x les2. Both ves short. Fs1 and fs3 shorter than fs4; fs4 about 0.5 x fs5 (Fig. 8). Both cls short, lrms1–3 short (Fig. 8). Both mds long (Fig. 11). Sts1–2 long, sts3 short, about 0.4 x sts1–2 (Fig. 9). Dms1–6 stout (Fig. 10), vms1–5 minute. Mxps very short. Plbs1–2 long, plbs3 very short, about 0.3 x plbs1–2; prms long as plbs3; lig1 very short, lig2 minute (Fig. 9).

Thorax (Fig. 12). Bases of setae strongly pigmented, setae unpigmented. Setae hairform. Prothorax: prn2–6 and prn9–10 short, approximately of same length; prn1, 7–8 shorter than remaining setae. Vpls1–2 approximately of same length. Pedal lobe with three (three to four) setae (pda); pda1–2 long, pda2 about 0.75 x pda1; remaining one (one to two) seta minute. Msts minute. Meso- and metathorax: prs and pds1–4 short, approximately of same length, pds1 slightly longer. Both dls shorter than prs, setae ss long as dls. Dpls longer than prs, vpls shorter than dpls. Pedal lobe with three (three to four) setae (pda); pda1–2 long, pda2 about 0.75 x pda1; remaining remaining one (one to two) seta minute. Msts minute.

Abdomen. Bases of setae strongly pigmented, setae unpigmented. Setae hairform. Abdominal segments I–VIII (Fig. 13): pds1, pds3, and pds5 approximately in line, pds2 and pds4 positioned slightly anteriad; pds1, pds3 and pds5 approximately of same length, pds3 slightly longer; pds2 and pds4 about 0.8 x. Sps short as prs and pds1. Both dpls long, approximately of same length. Vpls2 long, vpls1 minute. Lsts very short, msts minute. Abdominal segment VII: pds3 longer than remaining setae, about 0.7 x. Abdominal segment VIII: pds2 and pds4 positioned more anteriad from line joining pds1 and pds5 than on abdominal segments I–VII, pds2 positioned more anteriad than pds4; pds1, pds3 and pds5 approximately in line; pds3 longer than remaining setae, about 0.7 x. Abdominal segment IX (Fig. 14): ds2–4 not in line, ds3 anteriad of line joining ds2 and ds4; ds3–4 longer than ds1–2. Both ps long as ds1–2; sts1 very short, sts2 minute.

Remarks. Dieckmann (1989) mentioned only coloration of the body and setae; his data agree with those presented here.

Donus crinitus (Boheman, 1834)

Baccetti 1958: 161–173, figs VIII-XVI.

Material. (6 mature larvae), collected in the field: GREECE mer., prov. Peloponnesse, Skala env. (Lakonia), 50 km SE of Sparti, 36 m a.s.l., 4.iv.2005, J. Skuhrovec leg. (6) (on Medicago sp.).

Differential diagnosis. Mandible with four teeth (x D. austerus, D. comatus, D. cyrtus, D. intermedius, D. osellai, D. oxalidis, D. palumbarius, D. tesselatus and Hypera -species (subgenera Eririnomorphus, Dapalinus, Boreohypera and Hypera s.str.)) (Fig. 18). Prn1–10 hairform (x D. austerus, D. intermedius, D.

osellai, D. reichei, D. tesselatus, H. lunata and H. zoila). Prs and pds1–4 on thoracic segments bacilliform (x D. comatus, D. cyrtus, D. oxalidis, D. palumbarius, D. tesselatus, H. dauci and H. vidua). Pds2 on dorsum of meso- and metathorax not the shortest seta (x D. palumbarius and D. tesselatus). Pds2 and pds3 on meso- and metathorax not close each other (x D. intermedius, D. oxalidis and D. tesselatus). Dpls on meso- and metathorax hairform (x D. austerus, D. intermedius, D. reichei and H. zoila) (all Fig. 19). Prn, prs and pds1–4 on thoracic segments and prs, pds1–5 on abdominal segments I–VIII short (x D. cyrtus, D. intermedius, D. oxalidis, H. dauci and H. vidua) (Figs 19–20). Prs and pds1–5 on abdominal segments I–VIII bacilliform (x D. comatus, D. cyrtus, D. oxalidis, D. tesselatus, H. dauci and H. vidua). Prodorsum of abdominal segments I–VII only with one seta (prs) (x D. osellai). Pds 1–5 in line on abdominal segments I–VII, not pds2 positioned anteriad to pds3 and pds4 anteriad to pds5 (x D. cyrtus, D. intermedius, D. oxalidis, D. tesselatus, H. dauci and H. vidua). Pds4 on dorsum of abdominal segments I–VI not the longest seta (x D. palumbarius) (all Fig. 20). Ds3 long as ds1–2, 4 (x D. reichei, H. lunata, H. vidua and H. zoila) (Fig. 21).

Description of mature larva.

COLORATION. Head pale brown, posterior and lateral margins of epicranium dark brown. Dorsal side of body green with slightly white median stripe.

HEAD. Head width 1.12 mm (1.05–1.18 mm), head length 1.03 mm (0.95–1.05 mm) (Table. 1). Frontal sutures distinct, slender, anteriorly nearly indistinct. Anterior margin of clypeus distinctly concave (Fig. 15) with weak pigmentation. Labrum pale brown; anterior margin with slender median excision, posterior margin with short and wide median projection (Fig. 15). Mandibles with four apically rounded teeth (Fig. 18), first tooth largest; basal part of mandible with distinct tuberosity.

THORAX. Spiracle with oval airtubes oriented posterio-dorsad.

ABDOMEN. Spiracles with oval airtubes oriented posterio-dorsad.

CHAETOTAXY. Head. Setae hairform. Des2 minutely shorter than des4; des1, des3 and des5 approximately of same length; about 1.3 x des2 (Fig. 15). Both les long, les1 about 0.7 x les2. Both ves short. Fs3 the shortest, about 0.75 x fs1; fs1 about 0.7 x fs4; fs4 about 0.7 x fs5 (Fig. 15). Both cls short, lrms1-3 short (Fig. 15). Both mds short (Fig. 18). Sts1–2 long, sts3 about 0.5 x sts1–2 (Fig. 16). Dms1–6 stout (Fig. 17), vms1–5 minute. Mxps very short. Plbs1 short, about 0.5 x long plbs2, plbs3 very short, about 0.4 x plbs2; prms minutely longer than plbs2; both lig minute (Fig. 16).

Thorax (Fig. 19). Bases of setae strongly pigmented, setae unpigmented. Setae short, bacilliform to hairform (prn, dpls, vpls, pda, msts). Prothorax: prn1 and prn7–10 short, about 0.7 x prn2–6, approximately of same length. Vpls2 short, about 0.4 x vpls1. Pedal lobe with three (three to five) setae (pda); pda1–2 long, pda2 about 0.75 x pda1; remaining one (one to three) seta minute. Msts minute. Meso- and metathorax: prs and pds1–4 short, approximately of same length, prs slightly longer. Both dls and ss short, as long as pds1–4. Dpls and vpls longer than remaining setae on meso- or metathorax. Pedal lobe with three (three to five) setae (pda); pda1–2 long, pda2 about 0.75 x pda1; remaining one (one to three) seta minute. Msts minute.

Abdomen. Bases of setae strongly pigmented, setae unpigmented. Setae short, bacilliform to hairform (vpls, lsts, msts). Abdominal segments I–VIII (Fig. 20): prs minutely longer than pds1–5. Pds1–5 approximately in line, pds2 and pds4 positioned slightly anteriad, pds3 slightly posteriad; pds1–5 short, approximately of same length, pds3 slightly longer. Sps about 0.5 x prs. Both dpls approximately of same length, as long as prs. Vpls2 long, vpls1 minute. Lsts long, msts minute. Abdominal segment VII: pds3 longer than remaining setae about 0.8 x. Abdominal segment VIII: pds2 and pds4 positioned more anteriad from line joining pds1 and pds5 than on abdominal segments I–VII, pds4 positioned more anteriad than pds2; pds1, pds3 and pds5 approximately in line; pds3 longer than remaining setae about 0.7 x. Abdominal segment IX (Fig. 21): ds2–4 not in line, ds3 posteriad of line joining ds2 and ds4; ds2 the longest, remaining three setae approximately of same length. Both ps short; sts1 very short, sts2 minute.

Remarks. Baccetti (1958) presented detailed description of mature larva including several figures. Unfortunately, the nomencalture of larval morphology and chatetotaxy is not explained.


Published as part of Skuhrovec, Ji Ř Í, 2007, Descriptions of larvae of the tribe Hyperini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): III. Mature larvae of the genus Donus Jekel, 1865, pp. 1-28 in Zootaxa 1606 on pages 8-10, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.178787


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Donus comatus Boheman, 1842 sec. Skuhrovec, 2007


  • Dieckmann, L. (1989) Die Zucht mitteleuropaischer Hyperini-Arten (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 33, 98 - 102.
  • Baccetti, B. (1958) Studi sui Curculionidi Italiani II. Donus crinitus Boheman. Redia, 43: 145 - 205.