Published December 31, 2003 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bactrodes femoratus Fabricius


Bactrodes femoratus (Fabricius) 1803

Figs. 1, 2: M–W, 4:B.

Zelus femoratus Fabricius 1803, p. 291. Bactrodes biannulatus Stål 1860, 2: 80. Bactrodes femoratus Stål 1866, 3: 130. Saica femorata Walker 1873, 8: 128.

Material examined: ARGENTINA.: ɗ, Misiones, Dep. San Javier, Puerto Londero (27°23’S 41°7’W), IX­1947. Vianna col. (MACN); BOLIVIA: Ψ, Caranavi (15°46’S 67°37’W), VI­31, nº 4, Wygodzinsky det. Inst. Med. Reg. Denier' s coll. (MLP); BRAZIL: 2ɗ, Bahia, Itapetinga (15°15’S 40°15’W), 300m, XII­1969. F.M. Oliveira (AMNH); 2ɗ, Est. do Rio de Janeiro, S. Bento, D. Caixas (21°55’S 41°7’W), VI­1953, C.A.G. Seabra, Coll. Campos Seabra (QBOM); ɗ, Minas Gerais, Viçosa (20°45’S 42°53’W), VII­1944, Carcavalho col., Wygodzinsky det.(QBOM); female Carmo do Rio Claro (20°58’S 46°6’W), 12­15. Carcavalho col., Wygodzinsky det. (UK); 3Ψ, 1ɗ, Rio de Janeiro D.F. (Paineiras) (22°54’S 43°11’W), 3­ 4 ­III­957, Carcavalho det. 1990, Bercker & Carcavalho col. (QBOM); ɗ, Para, Jacareacanga (6°16’S 57°39’W), XII­1968, M. Alvarenga. (AMNH); without abdomen, Wygodzisnky det., Inst. Med. Reg. (MLP).

Description.­ Body length 8.48–8.99 (mean = 8.68). Head length 1.43–1.50 (mean = 1.48), width 0.70–0.80 (mean = 0.75). Head smooth brown, with sparse light brown setae (Fig. 2 ­M). Postocular region with abundant long and brown setae. Antennal length 8.37– 9.55 (mean = 8. 65), ratio of segments' lengths ca. 1: 0.60: 0.13: 0.35. Antennal tubercle with anteriorly directed spine at base. Antennal segment I light brown, except basally and apically brown, segment II and III brown. Width of eyes 0.13–0.21 (mean = 0.16), interocular space 0.33–0.42 (mean = 0.38). Genae protruded, light brown. Labrum dark brown. Gula light brown. Rostrum length 1.30–1.60 (mean = 1.49), ratio of segments' lengths ca. 1: 1.47: 0.67. Rostrum segments I and II light brown except brown distally with sparse short setae, segment III brown except dark brown apically. Neck dorsally with 1+1 small setose tubercles. Pronotum length 1.90–2.43 (mean = 2.11), width 0.95–1.23 (mean = 1.09). Anterior lobe brown with small short setiferous tubercles. Median sulcus evident only distally. Posterior lobe granulated and setose, light brown. Posterior edge invaginated. Scutellum smooth brown and setose (Fig. 2 ­N). Sterna glabrous. Fore legs light brown, trochanters with sparse setae, femora light brown except a dark brown ring distally or two small rings, one distally and the other medially, tibia light brown setose, tarsi light brown except segment III brown (Figs. 2 ­O). Median and hind legs light brown, femora slightly incrassate apically, tibia with abundant thin setae, tarsi brown. Pleura brown glabrous. Stridulatory sulcus dark brown and setose (Fig. 2 ­P). Hemelytra length 4.74–5.32 (mean = 5.10), brown. Abdomen length 4.75–5.70 (mean = 5.24), width 1.20­ 2.28 (mean = 1.41). Abdomen visible from above. Connexivum light brown, urotergites light brown and glabrous.

Male: pygophore smooth and setose, without base of median process (Fig. 2 ­Q). Parameres elongate, apically curved with short internal and external setae (Fig. 2 ­R). Apical hook very acute and straight (Fig. 2 ­S). Phallus (Fig. 2 ­T), articulatory apparatus (Fig. 2 ­U)

Female: gonocoxite VIII subquadrangular, abundant setae present (Fig. 2 ­V), laterally expanded, relation between maximal width of gonocoxite and maximal width of gonapophysis 5.3: 1.3. Gonocoxite IX subtriangular, distal abundant long setae present (Fig. 2 ­ W).

Distribution (Fig. 4 ­B): ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, GUYANA, and PAN­ AMA.

Observations: New record for Bolivia, new locality records for Argentina and Brazil. The closest species are B. biannulatus and B. misionensis n. sp., but B. femoratus differs in the structure of the male and female genitalia.

a: Fig. E. b: Figs. A–D, F–X. Scale line: 1mm, Figs. A–E, M–Q; scale line: 2mm, Figs. F–L, R–X.


Published as part of Coscarón, Maria Del Carmen & Melo, Maria Cecilia, 2003, Revision of the subfamily Bactrodinae (Heteroptera, Reduviidae), with a phylogenetic analysis of Bactrodes, pp. 1-15 in Zootaxa 304 on pages 6-8, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.156879


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Bactrodes femoratus (Fabricius, 1803) sec. Coscarón & Melo, 2003


  • Fabricius, J. C. (1803) Systema Rhyngotorum secundum ordines, genera, species adjectis synonymis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Carolum Reichard, Brunsvigae, X + 314 pp. + 1 (emendanda).
  • Stal, C. (1860) Bidrag till Rio Janeiro-Traktens Hemipter-fauna. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps- Akademiens Handlingar, 2 (7), 1 - 84.
  • Stal, C. (1866) Bidrag till Reduvidernas kannedom. Ofversigt af Konglinga Vetenskaps Akademiens Forhandlingar, 23 (9), 235 - 302.
  • Walker, F. (1873) Catalogue of the specimens of Hemiptera Heteroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part VIII. Printed for the Trustees of British Museum, London.