Published March 10, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Gentrification as a Phenomenon of a Modern World

  • 1. Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


Objective.To review the phenomenon of gentrification, as a term emerged in western studies in 1964 years, which means the reconstruction of decayed urban neighborhoods with the help of an influx of more affluent residents. To study the causes and social and economic consequences of gentrification and its signs and stages of development. To analyze approaches that emphasize the class nature of this phenomenon.

Methodology. The article uses the theoretical method of secondary data analysis and the method of reflection. This research was supported by a literature review and comparative analysis of gentrification in some cities of the world, in particular in Western Europe and in the post-Soviet space.

Conclusions. As a result of gentrification, there is an increase in the average level of incomes of the population of the district due to the replacement of low-income residents by more affluent ones.

Significance. The importance of this article is that the author traces the manifestations (features, characteristics) of this phenomenon in countries where it has arisen recently and gives its analysis and comparison with classical gentrification in Western countries.



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