Published February 1, 2021
| Version 1.2
Cuckoo male bumblebees perform slower and longer flower visits than free-living male and worker bumblebees
- 1. Department of Evolution, Ecolog
- 2. Grupo de Ecología de la Polinización, INIBIOMA (Universidad Nacional del Comahue-CONICET)
- 3. Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inserm, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille
- 4. CREA Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment
- 5. Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna
The preprint entitled "Cuckoo male bumblebees perform slower and longer flower visits than free-living male and worker bumblebees" was recommended by PCI Zoology (
The final and recommended version of the preprint ('version1-2') can be found as PDF and Word files .
Dataset and R scripts to this preprint can be found on Zenodo at
Appendix 1 and 2 to this preprint can be found on Zenodo at