Klinckowstroemia rectimarginata Villegas-Guzman, Pérez & Reyes-Castillo, 2009, sp. nov.
Klinckowstroemia rectimarginata sp. nov.
Material examined. Holotype. Ƥ (CNAC 006597), Veracruz, Mexico, Dos Amates, Municipality Catemaco (18°29.35’ N, 95°03.58’ W), 120 m, 15 November 1987, from Paxillus leachi MacLeay, P. Hunter coll. Paratypes. 2 Ƥ (CNAC 006598, CNAC 006599), 2 33 (CNAC 006600, CNAC 006601), Veracruz, Mexico, Coyame Bastonal, Municipality Catemaco (18°23.25’ N, 94°56.36’ W), 14 November 1987, from Heliscus tropicus, P. Hunter coll.; 1 3 (CNAC 006602), Veracruz, Mexico, Coyame Bastonal, Municipality Catemaco (18°23.25’ N, 94°56.36’ W), 830–970 m, 14 November 1987, from Ve t u r i u s marilucae Boucher, P. Hunter coll. Holotype, two paratype females and three paratype males deposited in the CNAC.
Female (n =4). Body oval. Idiosoma, L = 864 (813–902), W = 634 (614–691) (Fig. 12 A).
Ve n tr al idiosoma. Hyaline hood extending to level of coxa I, seta a 1 moderately long and simple, L = 22 (19–25). Tritosternum base wider than long. Tetartosternum shield (Tst), L = 34 (34–40), anterior W= 115 (105–115); shagreened, anterior margin with two lines (Fig. 13 E), tetartosternal notch like a small cavity in centre of margin. Seta st 1 near shield margin, medium and slightly pilose (Fig. 13 F), L = 25 (19–29), lyriform pore stp 1 near posterior margin. Sternal shield (StS) L = 71 (68–71), shagreened. Pore stp 2 near centre of shield, seta st 2 below and behind it, a simple microseta. Sete st 3, L = 7.9 0.9 (7.4–9.3) and st 4, L = 7 (7–9) near posterior margin of the shield, both small and simple (Fig. 12 A). Sternogynial shield (SgS), L = 53 (53– 56), W = 146 (146–171) triangular, anterior margin slightly pointed at apex, surface shagreened, stp 3 near anterior margin (Fig. 13 G). Sternogynial apodeme long and thin, extending posteriorly to level of latigynial and mesogynial condyles. Latigynial shields, L = 127 (124–130), W = 71 (71– 74) each with an oval pore and three setae, medial margins of shield medium and straight, surface shagreened; latigynial apodeme thin. Mesogynial shield, L = 74 (68–81), W = 99 (93–102), triangular, pointed at apex and slightly wider posteriorly, surface shagreened. Mesogynial condyles behind level of shield apex. Ventral shield, L = 202 (202–223), posterior W = 461 (448–512), shield triangular, truncated posteriorly, surface shagreened, with 12 pairs of small setae (Fig. 12 A). One pore underneath posterior margin of coxa IV. Metapodal-peritremalexopodal shield with a pair of pores and two setae, reticulated. Anal shield, L = 140 (118–146); anterior W = 397 (384–429), with five pairs of simple setae plus longer antero anal seta, aa, L = 19 (19–25), three pairs of pores, two near anterior margin, the other below the anus (Fig. 12 A).
Gnathosoma. Capitular setae (sc) short and serrated, 9 (9–12). Hypostomal setae (Fig. 13 D), hyp 1 long and simple, L = 53 (53–56), longest. Seta hyp 2 moderate and barbed, L = 34 (28–34). Seta hyp 3 short and simple, L = 12. Chelicera with barbed seta, movable digit with five teeth, fixed digit with six teeth. Palp setae simple, except al 1 (av 1) and al 2 (av 2) on trochanter branched and serrate respectively. Femur setae av 1, pl 1 and pd 1, serrated, pd 2 pilose. Genu setae pl 1, pl 2, pd 1, pd 2 and av 1 serrated. Anterior margin of palp trochanter with blunt process (b) and denticulated process (s) (Fig. 13 H).
Legs. Most leg setae simple, except: Leg I: trochanter I al 1 and pv 1 serrated; femur I pv 1 and pv 3 serrated; genu I pl 1 and pv 1 slightly serrated; tibia I ad 1, ad 2, ad 3, pd 1 and pd 3 serrated. Leg II: trochanter II pv 2 serrated; femur II av 1 and pv 1 slightly serrated; genu II av 1 and pv 1 slightly serrated. Leg III: trochanter pd 1 and pd 2 pilose; femur av 1 slightly serrated; genu av 1, pl 1 and pv 1 barbed; tarsus ad 3 serated. Leg IV: trochanter pv 1 pilose; femur av 1 serrated; genu pv 1 serrated. Seta pv 1 is large and slightly serrated, L = 22 (22–25) (Fig. 15 A).
Male (n = 3) Body oval similar, to female. Idiosoma, L = 845–890, W = 614–685 (Fig. 12 B).
Ve n tr al idiosoma. Tetartosternum, L = 34–37, anterior W = 109–118, shagreened and reticulated, with four horizontal lines, anterior margin reduced medially but without a notch (Fig. 15 B), pore stp 1 near posterior margin. Sternal seta st 1, L = 6–17, simple (Fig. 15 C). Sternal shield shagreened and reticulated, L = 130–139. Setae, st 2, st 3 and st 4, are simple microsetae; with two pores, one near anterior margin of shield, one close to genital opening (Fig. 15 D). Genital opening oval, L = 53–59, W = 71–81. Ventral shield, L = 301– 316, posterior W = 461–512, shagreened, with 38 setae and two pores, one at level of anterior margin of coxa IV and other below coxa IV. Anal shield shagreened, L = 130–140, anterior W = 384–416, with five pairs of simple setae plus longer antero anal seta, L = 25–28, and two pores, one near anterior margin and one below the anus. Metapodal-peritremal-exopodal shield reticulated, with a pair of pores and two setae (Fig. 12 B).
Gnathosoma. Hypostomal seta hyp 1 long and simple, L = 58–59, hyp 2 barbed and intermediate in length, L = 34–40, hyp 3 simple and shorter, L = 7–12.
Etymology. This name is from Latin rectus (= straight) and marginata (= margin) referring to the shape of the anterior and posterior margins of the tetartosternal shield.
Remarks. This species can be distinguished from all others because the tetartosternal shield is rectangular; the tetartosternal notch is very small in the female and absent in the male. The female has a large genital shield. The sternoventral suture is near the anterior margin of the anal shield. Seta st 1 is long and serrated in the female, and medium length and simple in the male. In the female sternal seta st 2 is a microseta and st 3 and st 4 are short and simple; while in male all sternal setae are microsetae. Seta al 2 (av 2) is large and slightly serrated on both sexes. The male has four horizontal lines on the tetartosternal shield, the sternal shield is reticulated and shagreened, and the ventral shield is shagreened, with 19 pairs of setae. Klinckowstroemia rectimarginata is similar to K. schusteri and K. brevimarginata because they have st 1 and hyp 2 serrated and barbed respectively. In the new species the medial margins of the latigynial shields are straight and reduced (16–22), which is similar to K. brevimarginata; seta st 1 are of medium length (19–29) and serrate but slightly longer in K. rectimarginata than K. brevimarginata. In both species the other sternal setae are simple microsetae, while in K. schusteri the setae are bigger, st 2 and st 3 are simple and st 4 is slightly serrated. The sternal, tetartosternal, ventral and genital shields are shagreened; these are similar in K. brevimarginata and K. rectimarginata, while in K. schusteri they are reticulated. There are four setae on the latigynial shield in K. schusteri, four to six in K. brevimarginata and three in K. rectimarginata. Males present more differences; the tetartosternal shield is reticulated and its anterior margin reduced, and the tetartosternal notch is slightly evident. The tetartosternal, sternal and ventral shields are reticulated and shagreened.
The specimens were found in decaying trunks in the same locality from Veracruz, but on three different hosts.
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Additional details
- Family
- Klinckowstroemiidae
- Genus
- Klinckowstroemia
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Mesostigmata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Species
- rectimarginata
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Klinckowstroemia rectimarginata Villegas-Guzman, Pérez & Reyes-Castillo, 2009