Stylodrilus lemani Grube 1879
33. S. lemani (Grube, 1879)
Material examined. C1: 5.07.2006. (1 ind.), sS: 22.06.2008. (5 ind.), Sk: 22.06.2008. (7 ind.), L3: 25.07.2007. (1 ind.), I1: 21.06.2008. (7 ind.), I3: 21.06.2008. (4 ind.), Mr: 23.06.2008. (1 ind.).
Previous records. Ribnica (river) (Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981).
Distribution in neighbouring Balkan countries. Serbia (Markoviċ et al. 1997a; 1999; Živiċ et al. 2010), Macedonia (no data), Albania (no data), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Fauna Europea 2004), Croatia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981), Slovenia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981).
Distribution. Europe, Near East.
34. S. parvus (Hrab ĕ & Č ernosvitov, 1927)
Material examined. Lj: 22.06.2008. (2 ind.), Mr: 23.06.2008. (70 ind.).
Previous records. Montenegro –site non precised (Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981).
Distribution in neighbouring Balkan countries. Serbia (Đikanoviċ et al. 2008), Macedonia (Šapkarev 1964b; Karaman 1971; Stankoviċ et al. 1978; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981; Petkovski 2009), Albania (Dhora 2010), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981), Croatia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981), Slovenia (Hrabĕ 1973; Kerovec & Mršiċ 1981).
Distribution. Europe, East Palaearctic, Near East.
Tatriella Hrab ĕ, 1939
35. Tatriella slovenica Hrab ĕ, 1939 — new record for Montenegro
Material examined. I 3: 21.06.2008. (5 ind.), Br: 23.07.2007. (16 ind.), cM: 17.07.2007. (1 ind.), Mr: 23.06.2008. (1 ind.), cR: 30.08.2007. (1 ind.), Z4: 13.07.2007. (1 ind.).
Distribution in neighbouring Balkan countries. Serbia (Đikanoviċ et al. 2008), Macedonia (no data), Albania (no data), Bosnia and Herzegovina (no data), Croatia (no data), Slovenia (no data). Distribution. Europe, East Palaearctic.
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- Grube, A. E. (1879) Untersuchungen uber die physikalishe Beschaffenheit und Flora und Fauna der Schweizer Seen. Jahresberichte der Schlesische Gesellschaft fur Vaterlandische Kultur, 58, 115 - 117.
- Kerovec, M. & Mrsic, N. (1981) Oligochaeta, III / 1. Catalogus faunae Jugoslavie, Ljubljana, 39 pp.
- Markovic, Z., Mitrovic - Tutundzic, V. & Miljanovic, B. (1997 a) Effects on pollution on the macrozoobenthos diversity in the river Obnica (Serbia, Yugoslavia). Acta Biologica Iugoslavica, Ekologija, Beograd, 32 (2), 37 - 46.
- Markovic, Z., Miljanovic, B. & Mitrovic - Tutundzic, V. (1999) Macrozoobenthos as an indicator of the river Kolubara water quality. The 28 th Annual Conference of Yugoslav Water Pollution Control Society " Water Pollution Control ' 99 ", Conference Proceedings, 261 - 266.
- Zivic, N., Miljanovic, B. & Vukanic, V. (2010) Fauna of Oligochaeta in the high-mountain lakes of Mt. Sistevica, Serbia. Balwois 2010, Ohrid, 1 - 5.
- Hrabe, S. (1973) On a collection of oligochaeta from various parts of Yugoslavia. Bioloski Vestnik, Ljubljana, 20 (1), 39 - 59.
- Dikanovic, V., Jakovcev - Todorovic, D., Nikolic, V., Paunovic, M. & Cakic, P. (2008) Qualitative composition of communities of aquatic macroinvertebrates along the course of the Golijska Moravica river (west - central Serbia). Archives of Biological Sciences Belgrade, 60 (1), 133 - 144.
- Sapkarev, J. (1964 b) Die Oligochaetenfauna des Ohrida - Sees. Annuaire de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Unversite de Skopje, 15 (1), 5 - 98.
- Karaman, S. (1971) Oligochaetenfauna Mazedoniens. Fragmenta Balcanica Musei Macedonici Scientarum Naturalium, 7 (4), 29 - 40.
- Stankovic, S., Tocko, M. & Sapkarev, J. (1978) Quantitative composition of the Ohrid bottom fauna, particularly Oligochaeta, and the influence of the tributary Daljan. Ekologija, 13 (2), 123 - 132.
- Petkovski, S. (2009) Final Report: National Catalogue (Check List) of Species. UNDP Contract: Biodiversity and Protected Areas Consultant (National) within the Project 0 0 0 58373 " Strenghtenening the Ecological, Institutional and Financial Sustainability of Macedonia's National Protected Areas System ". Skopje, 325 pp.
- Dhora, D. (2010) Register of Species of the Fauna of Albania 2010. Universiteti i Shkodres " Luigj Gurakuqi " Fakulteti i Shkencave te Natyres Departamenti i Biologji-Kimise, Skadar, 208 pp.