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Published December 31, 2010 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Symplectoscyphus plectilis Hickson & Gravely 1907


Symplectoscyphus plectilis (Hickson & Gravely, 1907)

Sertularella plectilis Hickson & Gravely 1907: 20, pl. 3, fig. 21; Ritchie 1913: 10, 30, figs 8, 9, 11; Jäderholm 1917: 10, pl. 1, fig. 8; 1926: 5; Stepanjants 1972: 69, fig. 14; 1979: 74, pl. 13, fig. 4.

Sertularella (Symplectoscyphus) plectilis – Broch 1948: 5, 9–13, fig. 2f, g.

Symplectoscyphus plectilis – Stechow 1922: 148; 1923: 172; Totton 1930: 193, fig. 41, pl. 2, figs 4, 5; Rees & Thursfield 1965: 131; Blanco 1967b: 77, pl. 5, figs 11–15; 1992: 149–153, figs 7–10; Vervoort 1972b: 354, fig. 8b, c; 1993: 241; Bouillon et al. 1995: 74; Peña Cantero et al. 2002: 1550 –1553, fig. 12; Peña Cantero & Gili 2006: 768; Peña Cantero 2008: 461; Peña Cantero & Vervoort 2009: 88.

? Symplectoscyphus plectilis – Vervoort 1972a: 133, fig. 42; Naumov & Stepanjants 1972: 34, 42; Millard 1977: 34, fig. 11A–C.

Sertularella glacialis – Vanhöffen 1910: 325, fig. 40a–c.

Symplectoscyphus naumovi – Blanco & Bellusci de Miralles 1972: 19, fig. 33.

Symplectoscyphus sp. 4 Peña Cantero & García Carrascosa 1995: 92, fig. 40f–h.

Not Symplectoscyphus plectilis – Blanco 1984: 29 –31, pl. 26 figs 58–60, pl. 27 fig. 61 [= S. naumovi Blanco, 1969]

Ecology. Shelf species, found at depths from 7 (Vervoort 1972b) to 457 m (Totton 1930). On bottoms of detritus, mud, sand, stones, boulders, rocks and different mixed bottoms (Totton 1930; Broch 1948; Naumov & Stepanjants 1972; Stepanjants 1979; Peña Cantero et al. 2002). Epibiotic on hydroids (Naumov & Stepanjants 1972; Stepanjants 1979; Peña Cantero et al. 2002), sponges (Naumov & Stepanjants 1972; Peña Cantero 2008) and bryozoans (Naumov & Stepanjants 1972). Gonothecae: January (Totton 1930; Peña Cantero 2008), February (Totton 1930; Peña Cantero et al. 2002), from June to August (Ritchie 1913) and from January to December (Stepanjants 1979).

Distribution. Circum-Antarctic (Stepanjants 1979). West Antarctica: Bouvet (Broch 1948; Peña Cantero & Gili 2006), South Georgia (Jäderholm 1917), Leith Harbour, in South Georgia (Blanco 1992), Peter I Island (Blanco & Bellusci de Miralles 1972; Peña Cantero 2010), Deception Island, in the South Shetland Islands (Peña Cantero 2008), Palmer Archipelago (Vervoort 1972b), Bransfield Island (Peña Cantero & Vervoort 2009), Península Sanavirón, Low Island, Peterman Island, Bryde Island and at 62º40'S, 64º10'W (Blanco 1992), and east coast of the Weddell Sea (Peña Cantero et al. 2002). East Antarctica: McMurdo Sound (Ritchie 1913; Totton 1930), Cape Royds (Ritchie 1913) and Discovery Island (Jäderholm 1926), in the Ross Sea, Adélie Land (Naumov & Stepanjants 1972), the Davis Sea (Stepanjants 1972; 1979) and the Friendship Sea (Stepanjants 1979). Doubful records from Kerguélen (Millard 1977) and Palmer Archipelago (Vervoort 1972a).


Published as part of Peña, Álvaro L., 2010, On a new Antarctic species of Symplectoscyphus Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Sertulariidae), with an annotated checklist of the Antarctic species of the genus, pp. 29-44 in Zootaxa 2494 on page 40, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.195709


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Scientific name authorship
Hickson & Gravely
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Symplectoscyphus plectilis Hickson, 1907 sec. Peña, 2010


  • Hickson, S. J. & Gravely, F. H. (1907) Coelenterata. II. Hydroid zoophytes. National Antarctic Expedition (S. S. Discovery) 1901 - 1904, Natural History, 3, 1 - 34, pls 1 - 4.
  • Ritchie, J. (1913) The hydroid zoophytes collected by the British Antarctic Expedition of Sir Ernest Shackleton, 1908. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 33 (1), 9 - 34.
  • Jaderholm, E. (1917) Hydroids from the South Seas. Redogorelse for Norrkopings Hogre Allmanna Laroverk Lasaret, 1916 - 1917, 1 - 25, pls 1 - 2.
  • Broch, H. (1948) Antarctic Hydroids. Scientific Results of the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1927 - 1928, et sqq., 28, 1 - 23.
  • Stechow, E. (1922) Zur Systematik der Hydrozoen, Stromatoporen, Siphonophoren, Anthozoen und Ctenophoren. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, (A) 88 (3), 141 - 155.
  • Totton, A. K. (1930) Coelenterata. Part V. Hydroida. Natural History Report, British Antarctic ' Terra Nova' Expedition, 1910, Zoology, 5 (5), 131 - 252, pls 1 - 3.
  • Rees, W. J. & Thursfield, S. (1965) The hydroid collection of James Ritchie. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, (B) 69 (1 - 2) (2), 34 - 220.
  • Blanco, O. M. (1967 b) Un nuevo aporte al conocimiento de la fauna hidroide Argentina. Revista del Museo de La Plata (Zoologia), (Nueva Serie) 10 (77), 97 - 127, pls 1 - 4.
  • Vervoort, W. (1972 b) Hydroids from submarine cliffs near Arthur Harbour, Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica. Zoologische Mededelingen, 47 (25), 337 - 357.
  • Bouillon, J., Massin, C. & Kresevic, R. (1995) Hydroidomedusae de l'Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique. Documents de travail de l'Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, 78, 3 - 106.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L., Svoboda, A. & Vervoort, W. (2002) Species of Symplectoscyphus Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa, Sertulariidae) from recent Antarctic expeditions with R. V. Polarstern, with the description of four new species. Journal of Natural History, 36, 1509 - 1568.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Gili, J. M. (2006) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from off Bouvet Island (Antarctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 29, 764 - 771.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. (2008) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Spanish Antarctic expedition Bentart 95. Polar Biology, 31, 451 - 464.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Vervoort, W. (2009) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from the Bransfield Strait area (Antarctica) collected by Brazilian expeditions, with the description of a new species. Polar Biology, 32, 83 - 92.
  • Vervoort, W. (1972 a) Hydroids from the Theta, Vema and Yelcho cruises of the Lamont-Doherty geological observatory. Zoologische Verhandelingen, 120, 1 - 247.
  • Naumov, D. V. & Stepanjants, S. D. (1972) Marine invertebrates from Adelie Land collected by the XIIth and XVth French Antarctic Expeditions. 3. Hydroida. Tethys Supplement, 4, 25 - 60.
  • Millard, N. A. H. (1977) Hydroids from the Kerguelen and Crozet shelves, collected by the cruise MD. 03 of the Marion-Dufresne. Annals of the South African Museum, 73 (1), 1 - 47.
  • Vanhoffen, E. (1910) Die Hydroiden der Deutschen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903. Deutsche Sudpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903, 11 (Zoology 3), 269 - 340.
  • Blanco, O. M. & Bellusci de Miralles, D. A. (1972) Hidrozoos de la isla Pedro I. Contribuciones del Instituto Antartico Argentino, 145, 1 - 29, pls 1 - 6.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. & Garcia Carrascosa, A. M. (1995) Hidrozoos bentonicos de la campana Antartida 8611. Publicaciones Especiales del Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia, 19, 1 - 148.
  • Blanco, O. M. (1984) Contribucion al conocimiento de hidrozoos antarticos y subantarticos. Contribuciones del Instituto Antartico Argentino, 294, 1 - 53, pls 1 - 47.
  • Blanco, O. M. (1969) Un nuevo Sertularido antartico, Symplectoscyphus naumovi nov. sp. Neotropica, 15 (46), 14 - 16.
  • Stepanjants, S. D. (1979) Hydroids of the antarctic and subantarctic waters. In: Biological results of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 6. Issledovaniya Fauny Morei, 20 (30), 1 - 200, pls 1 - 25 (In Russian).
  • Blanco, O. M. (1992) Symplectoscyphus glacialis (Jaderholm, 1904) y Symplectoscyphus plectilis (Hickson and Gravely, 1907). Notas del Museo de la Plata (Zoologia), 21 (211), 149 - 154.
  • Pena Cantero, A. L. (2010) Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa) from Peter I Island (Southern Ocean, Antarctica). Polar Biology, 33, 761 - 773.
  • Jaderholm, E. (1926) Ueber einige antarktische und subantarktische Hydroiden. Arkiv for Zoologi, (A) 18 (14), 1 - 7.