Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open



Key to species of Zuata (* unknown male)

1. Tegmen with pale veins (visible only on smoky tips if tegmen ivory colored).....................................30

- Tegmen without venation evident........................................................................ 2

2. Tegmen (and often also scutellum) with bold ivory, yellow or orange markings contrasting to brown or black ground color 10

- Tegmen brown, tan or red without obvious paler markings..................................................... 3

3. Tegmen dark brown or with black border at tips; length 8–9 mm; Colombia ...................................... 7

- Tegmen orange to brown including tips.................................................................... 4

4. Head orange, concolorous with tegminal base; length 11 mm; Ecuador..................... ochraceorosea (Lallemand)

- Head black, darker than tegminal base; length 7.5–9 mm ...................................................... 5

5. Tegmina orange; Ecuador to Peru............................................................. ohausi (Jacobi)

- Tegmina tan to brown.................................................................................. 6

6. Head black, contrasting with orange pronotum; tegmina with small yellow to orange streaks; Colombia...... pictilis sp.nov.

- Head concolorous with at least anterior margin of pronotum; tegmina unmarked; Bolivia........... ravidella (Lallemand)

7 (3). Tegmen dark red to brown.............................................................................. 9

- Tegmen bright red to tan.............................................................................. 8

8. Tegmen uniformly red except for black tip................................................ sierrana (Lallemand)

- Tegmen brown with red confined to costa................................................ marginata (Lallemand)

9. Head black, rest of dorsum brown.......................................................... fusca (Lallemand)

- Head and dorsum dark red; sides of face and 4 pits on anterior edge of pronotum black................. hysginon sp.nov.

10(2). Tegmen with pale transverse line or band near tip of clavus.................................................. 25

- Tegmen with broad areas of ivory, yellow or orange.........................................................11

11. Black with posterior two-thirds of tegmina contrastingly yellow..................................... infecta sp.nov.

- Black with yellow saddle across tegmina or marks limited to smaller areas....................................... 12

12. Tegmen with large yellow patch extending at least across basal half of clavus..................................... 22

- Tegmen with smaller yellow to ivory marks, or patches orange in color.......................................... 13

13. Tegmen with yellow to ivory longitudinal stripes............................................................ 17

- Tegmen marked only with pale patches................................................................... 14

14. Dorsum bisected by yellow bands extending across anterior edge of pronotum and from bases of tegmina across scutellum; length 8 mm; Ecuador ................................................................... segui (Lallemand)

- Dorsum with scattered paler areas; length 5–6.5 mm ......................................................... 15

15. Tegmen with 2 widely separated yellow spots.............................................................. 18

- Tegmen with orange spots set close together, almost touching; Peru .............................................16

16. Head and wings black, contrasting with orange spots...................................... bimaculata (Lallemand)

- Head black, contrasting with brown to orange body and wings..................................... ravida (Jacobi)

17(14). Pronotum with yellow anterior margin; Colombia ......................................... bipunctata (Lallemand)

- Pronotum darkest on anterior margin; Peru ............................................... * punctata (Lallemand)

18(13). Black marked with ivory crossbands on head and thorax in addition to longitudinal stripes on scutellum and tegmina; wing tips also with round white patch; 8 mm; Colombia ................................................... zebra sp.nov.

- Pale markings less extensive............................................................................19

19. Tegmen with pale streak along claval suture and often 1–2 spots on corium; length 6.5 mm; Colombia... includens (Walker)

- Tegmen with parallel yellow streaks on both claval suture and corium........................................... 20

20. Head black, contrasting with orange band across pronotum; length 7.5 mm; Venezuela............... araguana (Fennah)

- Head and pronotum black; length 5–6.5 mm; Bolivia to Peru.................................................. 21

21. Tegmen with wedge-spaced ivory mark on clavus................................................ scapula sp.nov.

- Tegmen with more extensive marks in yellow..................................................... pica (Jacobi)

22(13). Basal half (or more) of tegmen yellow................................................................... 24

- Yellow area of basal half of tegmen confined largely to clavus; Ecuador ......................................... 23

23. Black, with yellow band extending across scutellum; 5 mm .................................... transita (Lallemand)

- Black with yellow band extending across pronotum, and with a patch on each tegminal base; 7.5–8 mm ............................................................................................... carvalho Paladini & Cryan

24. Legs black; length 10 mm; Ecuador ....................................................... ephippiata (Breddin)

- Legs bright red; 8–9 mm; Peru ............................................................. oneraria (Jacobi)

25(11). Tegmen with narrow, white transverse line; Bolivia .............................................. ligatura sp.nov.

- Tegmen with broad, yellow to red transverse band.......................................................... 26

26. Tegmen with yellow or orange line along claval suture....................................................... 29

- Tegmen with base of clavus white to red.................................................................. 27

27. Both pale area of tegmen orange; length 7.5–8 mm ......................................... tettigoniella (Breddin)

- Base of tegmen darker than pale band across wing tips; length 5–6 mm .......................................... 28

28. Base of clavus orange, band across wing tip yellow; Peru............................... luteofascia Carvalho & Webb

- Base of clavus white; Panama............................................................. obrienorum sp.nov.

29(26). Pale line on claval suture connected to transverse line near tip of clavus; length 5 mm; Bolivia to Peru.... * angulata (Jacobi)

- Pale lines on claval suture and transverse line not connected; length 7–9 mm; Colombia to Paraguay..... nolckeni (Fowler)

30 (1). Head black, contrasting with light brown thorax; length 8 mm; Colombia....................... pecki Paladini & Cryan

- Head, pronotum and tegmina yellow to ivory boldly patterned in black; length 9 mm; Peru............. machadoa sp.nov.


Published as part of Andrew Hamilton, K. G., 2016, Neotropical spittlebugs related to Neaenini (Hemiptera, Cercopidae) and the origins of subfamily Cercopinae, pp. 201-250 in Zootaxa 4169 (2) on pages 228-229, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4169.2.1,


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