Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Heraeus panamaensis



(FIGS 15 F, 16F, 18, 20E–H)


Strongly setose. Ocelli placed at level of an imaginary line passing posterior border of eyes. Labium extending to mesocoxae. Distiflagellomere with a pale band sub-basally. Profemur irregularly pigmented with brown; meso- and metatibia with a sub-basal brown band. Vesica with two sclerotized lobes bearing a few spines anteriorly near apices.

Description (Fig. 15 F)

Total length 5.65. Strongly setose.

Head: Brown, clypeus paler, shiny, coriaceous, with abundant, short, recumbent, and long erect setae. Head length 1.10, width 0.90. Postocular length 0.43. Eyes not surpassing the dorsal margin of head in lateral view, with long erect setae between ommatidea. Ocelli at level of an imaginary line passing posterior border of eyes. Interocular width 0.46, interocellar width 0.27. Labium pale brown, with short erect setae, extending to mesocoxae. Labial segment lengths: I 0.64, II 0.72, III 0.54, and IV 0.38. Antennae pale brown, except basiflagellomere distally and distiflagellomere darker, distiflagellomere with a pale band sub-basally; all segments with short, recumbent, and erect setae, pedicel with abundant erect setae, equal to or longer than diameter of segment; basiflagellomere weakly clavate. Antennal lengths: scape 0.34, pedicel 1.10, basiflagellomere 0.96, distiflagellomere 1.09. Length of pale band on distiflagellomere 0.32.

Thorax: Pronotum with anterior lobe brown, collar and posterior lobe paler; posterior lobe with irregular pale areas, humeral angle with a whitish spot surrounded by a darker area; pruinose; with short recumbent and long erect setae, longest on anterior lobe. Collar delimited posteriorly by a punctate sulcus. Pronotum punctate, punctures larger on posterior lobe. Collar length 0.06, anterior lobe length 0.53, posteri- or lobe length 0.51; anterior lobe width 0.85, posteri- or lobe width 1.34. Pleurae brown, punctate, pruinose, with semi-erect setae. Evaporative area extended. Scutellum brown, pruinose, punctate, with short recumbent and long erect setae, as on anterior lobe. Hemelytra pruinose, with abundant, short, semi-erect setae; pale brown, costal margin pale on proximal three-quarters, corium darker distally, with a subapical whitish spot and a rounded pale spot internally. Membrane dark brown, with an apical whitish spot, veins paler (Fig. 15 F). Lateral margins slightly concave. Legs: Coxae brown, remainder of legs whitish, except profemur irregularly pigmented with brown; femora and tibiae yellowish brown, with subapical band on meso- and metafemur, and sub-basal band on meso- and metatibia darker, tibiae and tarsi apically and pretarsi darker brown (Fig. 16 F); setae long and erect, longest on profemur. Profemur with spines restricted to apical half; protibia straight, with minute tubercles. Protibiae and mesofemur without spines.

Abdomen: Brown, with abundant short recumbent setae. Male genitalia: Pygophore (Fig. 20 E, F) rounded, elongate, anterior margin of dorsal aperture rounded, inner projections elongate, more produced posteriorly; declivent posteriorly in lateral view. Parameres: Figure 20 (G, H). Aedeagus: vesica with two sclerotized lobes and a few spines anteriorly near apices; processus gonopori long and slender.


Panama (Fig. 18).


The specific epithet ‘ panamaensis ’ is an adjective referring to the country where the holotype was collected.

Type material

Holotype: ♂, PANAMA: Cerro Campana, Dist. Chame, 2-V-1976, D. Engleman (AMNH).


Published as part of Pablo M. Dellapé, María C. Melo & Thomas J. Henry, 2016, A phylogenetic revision of the true bug genus Heraeus (Hemiptera: Rhyparochromidae: Myodochini), with the description of two new genera and 30 new species, pp. 29-134 in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 177 (177) on pages 70-71, DOI: 10.1111/zoj.12362,


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Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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