Published October 28, 2021 | Version 1.0
Report Open

A new generation of HPC developers using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods is growing

  • 1. Trust-IT
  • 2. CNRS


Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods belong to one of the most accurate families of numerical approaches for materials and electronic structure calculations. Moreover, the steady increase of computer power in HPC machines is very much suitable for the development and usage of stochastic ab initio methods, which - beside the high precision - are highly parallelizable and enjoy a favorable scaling with the system size. To build a large user community,  itis of paramount importance to disseminate the knowledge, information, and practice of this kind of methods, particularly among students and young researchers.

With this target in mind, from 12 to 16 July TREX, the Centre of Excellence in Exascale Computing for quantum chemistry, organised the first e-School on Quantum Monte Carlo, training students to use TurboRVB as the main code for QMC applications and tutorials, a unique opportunity to provide a comprehensive introduction to QMC methods without any prerequisite. The e-School was sponsored by the TREX project, the Psi-k network and SISSA, the International School for Advanced Studies located in Trieste, Italy.


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European Commission
TREX – Targeting Real chemical accuracy at the EXascale 952165