There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 23, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

CEADs Sectoral CO2 Emission Inventory 2010-2018 for 30 Emerging Economies

  • 1. Tsinghua University
  • 2. Shandong University
  • 3. University of Groningen
  • 4. Nanjing University
  • 5. University College London


The Carbon Emission Accounts and Datasets for emerging economies (CEADs, aims to provide transparent, verifiable, open-access data on the CO2 emissions of 30 emerging economies (accounting for 19.5% of the emissions and 14.7% of GDP of the world) for the period 2010-2018. Given the variety of statistical capacity among these countries, we standardized sectors using relevant data on energy and economic statistics and compiled emissions inventories at the regional level using sub-national statistics. For energy-related data, we included emissions from burning biomass, given its significance as an emissions source in these economies. The emissions dataset covers 47 economic sectors and 8 major energy categories in the 30 emergent economies, and in 20 of these, we provided a subnational inventory.


Subnational CO2 emissions for 20 emerging economies by 8 energy types by 47