IT12-M Alto Adriatico
- Pugnetti, Alessandra1
- Bastianini, Mauro1
- Cataletto, Bruno2
- Grilli, Federica3
- Ravaioli, Mariangela4
- Bernardi Aubry, Fabrizio1
- Acri, Francesco1
- Camatti, Elisa1
- Pansera, Marco1
- Finotto, Stefania1
- De Lazzari, Amelia1
- Armeli Minicante, Simona1
- Del Negro, Paola2
- Cabrini, Marina2
- Monti, Marina2
- Giani, Michele2
- Cibic, Tamara2
- Cerino, Federica2
- Fornasaro, Daniela2
- Fabbro, Cinzia2
- Tirelli, Valentina2
- De Olazabal, Alessandra2
- Goruppi, Alenka2
- Franzo, Annalisa2
- Auriemma, Rocco2
- Nasi, Federica2
- Ferrante, Larissa2
- Celussi, Mauro2
- De Vittor, Cinzia2
- Urbini, Lidia2
- Kralj, Martina2
- Relitti, Federica2
- Lipizer, Marina2
- Giorgetti, Alessandra2
- Eliezer, Menashè2
- Bazzaro, Matteo2
- Beran, Alfred2
- Bergami, Caterina4
- Riminucci, Francesco5
- Capotondi, Lucilla4
- Albertazzi, Sonia4
- Giordano, Patrizia6
- Russo, Aniello7
- Stanghellini, Giuseppe4
- Tarozzi, Leone4
- Marini, Mauro3
- Romagnoli, Tiziana7
- Betti, Mattia3
- Caccamo, Giuseppe3
- Campanelli, Alessandra3
- Frapiccini, Emanuela3
- Penna, Pierluigi3
- Paschini, Elio3
- Accoroni, Stefano7
- Giulietti, Sonia7
- Coluccelli, Alessandro7
- Totti, Cecilia7
- 1. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR), Venezia
- 2. Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, Sgonico (TS)
- 3. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine (IRBIM), Ancona
- 4. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR), Bologna
- 5. Consorzio PROAMBIENTE, Tecnopolo CNR Bologna
- 6. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Scienze Polari (ISP), Bologna
- 7. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Scienze della vita e dell'Ambiente (DISVA), Ancona
The Northern Adriatic Sea is the northernmost basin of the Mediterranean Sea and one of its most productive areas, characterized by a shallow depth and by a dominant cyclonic circulation. The oceanographic and meteorological parameters show a marked seasonal and interannual variability. The major forcings of the system are represented by the significant river inputs along the Italian coast, by the Eastern Adriatic Current-EAC, which brings high salinity and oligotrophic waters from the southern basin, and by the notable sea-level range, relatively to the Mediterranean area. The NAS is subject to multiple anthropogenic impacts, e.g.: nutrient inputs, coastal urbanization, fishing activity, tourism, and maritime trade. The basin has undergone marked eutrophication followed by a phase of oligotrophication and then by a recent increase in nutrient concentrations. The NAS has also been subjected to frequent development of mucilage aggregates until the first decade of the 2000s. The LTER-Italy parent site NAS currently includes four research sites: the Gulf of Trieste, the Gulf of Venice, the Po Delta and Romagna Coast, and the Senigallia-Susak Transect. At each site meteo-oceanographic and biological data, mainly on plankton, are gathered both during oceanographic cruises and at fixed point observatories. Each site is supervised by a research institution that also manages the system of fixed sensors, which record data in near real-time
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