Published November 2, 2021 | Version v1
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The Role of Science in the Swiss Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 1. Science & Technology Studies (STS), University of Basel


What role did science play in managing the Covid-19 pandemic from January to December 2020? In what way did the Swiss experience differ from selected other countries? Where is there a need for action in the future? The first comprehensive study on the role of science in the Covid-19 pandemic policy response shows a positive track record but also identifies a need for optimization. The potential of science advice to policy is left largely untapped in Switzerland due to its uncertain legal bases and low level of institutionalization. The study by PD Dr. Alexandra Hofmänner documents events, contexts and general conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic and presents six options for future action.


Hofmänner A. (2021), The Role of Science in the Swiss Policy Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Swiss Academies Report 16 (11).



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