Published July 19, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Psychropotes longicauda Theel 1882


Psychropotes longicauda Théel, 1882

Reports for the Azores:

Psychropotes grimaldii $ Hérouard, 1896: 164, fig. 2, 1902: 25–27, pl. 3, figs. 1–2; Perrier 1902: 276; Mortensen 1927a: 376; Deichmann 1930: 130; García-Diez et al. 2005: 52;

Psychropates fucata Perrier, 1900: 119;

Psychropotes longicauda Théel, 1882 — $ Hansen 1975: 115–126, figs. 49–54, 118, pl. 7, figs. 4–6, pl. 12, fig. 7; $ Gebruk 2008: 50, 51.

Type locality: Pacific (53°55’S, 108°35’E).

See: Hansen (1975).

Occurrence: cosmopolitan, present in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans (Hansen 1975); from the Rockall Trough (Gage et al. 1985) and SE of the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone (Gebruk 2008) south to southern Africa and Antarctic waters (Hansen 1975), including the Azores (Hérouard 1902).

Depth: 2,210 –5,173 m (Hansen 1975); AZO: 2,954 –4,020 m (Hérouard 1902, Gebruk 2008).

Habitat: benthopelagic (juveniles only; Miller & Pawson 1990); on muddy sediments (Perrier 1902).

Larval stage: direct (Tyler & Billett 1987).

Remarks: Psychropotes longicauda is a highly variable species, a fact reflected by its high number of synonyms (Hansen 1975). Historically, two of the junior synonyms were associated with Azorean waters: P. grimaldii by Hérouard (1896) and P. fucata by Perrier (1896b). The first species was known only from the type material collected by Princesse Alice, east of S„o Miguel waters (sta 527: 38°09’N, 23°15’45”W, 4,020 m). Initially, Perrier (1900) listed the Azores as the type area for the second species, but in reality the material of P. fucata was dredged by Talisman between the archipelago and the European continental shores (sta 135, 43°15’N, 21°40’W) (Perrier 1902). Regardless, on the re-examination of P. grimaldii and P. fucata Hansen (1975) remarked that the diagnostic characters found by both Hérouard and Perrier were mere individual differences and thus proposed their synonymy with P. longicauda. Recently, Gebruk (2008) identified P. longicauda from the northern border of the Azorean EEZ (G.O. Sars, MAR–ECO cruise, sta 40/367: 42°55’N, 30°20’W, 2,954 –2,968 m), further substantiating the presence of this species in the archipelago.


Published as part of Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), pp. 1-231 in Zootaxa 4639 (1) on page 146, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4639.1,


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  • Theel, H. (1882) Report on the Holothuroidea dredged by H. M. S. Challenger during the years 1873 - 76. Part I. Challenger Reports, Zoology, 4, 1 - 176.
  • Herouard, E. (1896) Note preliminaire sur les Holothuries provenant des dragages du Yacht Princesse-Alice. [Premiere Note.]. Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France, 21, 163 - 168.
  • Perrier, R. (1902) Holothuries. In: Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman pendant les Annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Ouvrage publie sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique sous la direction de A. Milne-Edwards de 1888 a 1890 et continue par E. Perrier. Vol. 7. Masson et Cie, Editeurs, Paris, pp. 273 - 554.
  • Mortensen, T. (1927 a) Handbook of the echinoderms of the British Isles. Oxford University Press, viii + 471 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6841
  • Deichmann, E. (1930) The Holothurians of the Western Part of the Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zo ˆ logy at Harvard College, 71, 43 - 236.
  • Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.
  • Perrier, R. (1900) Diagnose des Especes Nouvelles D'Holoturies Draguees par le Travailleur et le Talisman (troisieme et derniere note). Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 6, 116 - 119. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 12287
  • Hansen, B. (1975) Systematics and biology of the deep-sea holothurians: Elasipoda. Galathea report: scientific results of the Danish deep-sea expedition round the world 1950 - 1952. Galathea, 13, 1 - 262.
  • Gebruk, A. V. (2008) Holothurians (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge collected by the G. O. Sars MAR-ECO expedition with descriptions of four new species. In: Gebruk, A. V. (Ed.) Benthic fauna of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: results of the MAR-ECO expedition. Marine Biology Research, 4 (1 - 2), pp. 48 - 60. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 17451000701842898
  • Gage, J. D., Billett, D. S. M., Jensen, M. & Tyler, P. A. (1985) Echinoderms of the Rockall Trough and adjacent areas. 2. Echinoidea and Holothurioidea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 48 (4), 173 - 214.
  • Herouard, E. (1902) Holothuries Provenant Des Campagnes De La Princesse-Alice (1892 - 1897). Reisultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht, Fasc. 21, 1 - 62.
  • Miller, J. E. & Pawson, D. L. (1990) Swimming sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea): a survey with analysis of swimming behavior in four bathyal species. Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 35, 1 - 18. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 01960768.35.1
  • Tyler, P. A. & Billett, D. S. M. (1987) The reproductive ecology of elasipodid holothurians from the N. E. Atlantic. Biological Oceanography, 5 (4), 273 - 296.
  • Perrier, R. (1896 b) Sur les Elasipodes recueillis par le Travailleur et le Talisman. Comptes Rendus Academie Sciences, Paris, 123, 900 - 903.