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Published July 19, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Hymenodiscus coronata


Hymenodiscus coronata (Sars, 1872) Reports for the Azores:

Brisinga coronata Sars, 1872 — $ Perrier 1896a: 20; $ Koehler 1909: 122–123, 1921a: 2;

Brisingella coronata (Sars, 1872) — Mortensen 1927a: 127; Nobre 1938: 28–31, fig. 3; Gage et al. 1983: 285; Downey 1986: 13–15, fig. 6; A.M. Clark & Downey 1992: 468–469, figs. 67b, 70b, pl. 108, fig. F; García-Diez et al. 2005: 48;

Hymenodiscus coronata (G.O. Sars, 1872) — Dilman 2006: 183, 2014: 38.

Type locality: off Lofoten Island, Norway.

See: Downey (1986); A.M. Clark & Downey (1992).

Occurrence: Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic, from Norway and Reykjanes Ridge (Dilman 2006) to off Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania; Perrier 1894) and? Cape Verde (Mortensen 1927a), including the Azores and Canaries (Koehler 1909).

Depth: 100– 2,904 m (Tortonese 1965); AZO: 919– 2,870 m (Perrier 1894, Koehler 1921a).

Habitat: soft bottoms, sand, mud to Globigerina ooze (Koehler 1909); a suspension feeder (copepods) and a predator (Howell et al. 2003).

Larval stage: lecithotrophic (McEdward & Miner 2001).

Remarks: from the Azores, Hymenodiscus coronata is only known from the historical reports by Perrier (1896a) and Koehler (1909, 1921a) based on material collected by Talisman and Princesse Alice at several stations. The southern-most record of this of species appears to be located off Banc d'Arguin, and not in Cape Verde as reported by the related literature (e.g., Mortensen 1927 a, Grieg 1932, Downey 1986, A.M. Clark & Downey 1992, Dilman 2014). The Talisman reports published the station locations using a French coordinate system (Paris Meridian). Later authors may not have been aware of this and might have placed Perrier (1894) ’s record near the archipelago waters, instead of the continental NW African waters (sta 96, 1883: 19°19'00"N, 18°01'46"W).


Published as part of Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), pp. 1-231 in Zootaxa 4639 (1) on pages 61-62, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4639.1,


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  • Sars, G. O. (1872) Nye Echinodermer fra den norske kyst. Videnskabelige Selskabets Forhandlinger, 1871, 1 - 31.
  • Perrier, M. E. (1896 a) Contribution a l'etude des stellerides de l'Atlantique Nord (Golfe de Gascogne, Acores, Terre-Neuve). Resultats Des Campagnes Scientifiques Accomplies Par Le Prince Albert I, Monaco, 11, 1 - 571.
  • Koehler, R. (1909) Echinodermes provenant des campagnes du yacht Princesse-Alice (Asteries, Ophiures, Echinides et Crinoides). Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur son yacht par Albert Ier Prince Souverain de Monaco, 34, 1 - 317.
  • Koehler, R. (1921 a) Echinodermes (Asteries, Ophiures, Echinides et Crinoides) des dernieres campagnes de la Princesse-Alice et de l' Hirondelle II. Bulletin de l'Institut Oceanographique de Monaco, 396, 1 - 8.
  • Mortensen, T. (1927 a) Handbook of the echinoderms of the British Isles. Oxford University Press, viii + 471 pp. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 6841
  • Nobre, A. (1938) Equinodermes de Portugal. 3 rd Edition. Companhia Editora do Minho, Barcelos, 215 pp.
  • Gage, J. D., Billett, D. S. M., Jensen, M. & Tyler, P. A. (1983) Echinoderms of the Rockall Trough and adjacent areas. I. Crinoidea, Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology, 45, 263 - 308. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 28002
  • Downey, M. E. (1986) Revision of the Atlantic Brisingida (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), with description of a new genus and family. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 435, 1 - 57. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00810282.435
  • Clark, A. M. & Downey, M. E. (1992) Starfishes of the Atlantic. Natural History Museum Publications. Chapman & Hall, London, 794 pp.
  • Garcia-Diez, C., Porteiro, F. M., Meirinho, A., Cardigos, F. & Tempera, F. (2005) Taxonomic review of selected invertebrate groups collected during the Campaigns of the Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Azorean waters. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 22 A, 35 - 59.
  • Dilman, A. B. (2006) Asteroid fauna of the Reykjanes Ridge. In: Mironov, A. N., Gebruk, A. V. & Southward, A. J. (Eds.), Biogeography of the North Atlantic Seamounts. KMK Scientific Press, Russian Academy of Sciences, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, pp. 177 - 192.
  • Dilman A. B. (2014) Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Asteroidea. Invertebrate Zoology, 11 (1), 25 - 42. https: // doi. org / 10.15298 / invertzool. 11.1.05
  • Perrier, M. E. (1894) Stellerides. Expeditions Scientifiques du Travailleur et du Talisman. Masson, Paris, 431 pp.
  • Tortonese, E. (1965) Fauna D'Italia-Echinodermata. Edizioni Calderini, Bologna, 422 pp.
  • Howell, K. L., Pond, D. W., Billett, D. S. M. & Tyler, P. A. (2003) Feeding ecology of deep-sea seastars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea): a fatty-acid biomarker approach. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 255, 193 - 206. https: // doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 255193
  • McEdward, L. R. & Miner, B. G. (2001) Larval and life-cycle patterns in echinoderms. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 79, 1125 - 1170. https: // doi. org / 10.1139 / z 00 - 218
  • Grieg, J. A. (1932) Echinodermata. Report of the scientific results of the Michael Sars North Atlantic deep sea expedition 1910, 3 (2), 1 - 47.