Published October 19, 2021 | Version v2
Dataset Restricted

ExPI Dataset

  • 1. Inria
  • 2. CSIC-UPC
  • 1. Inria
  • 2. CISC-UPC


Follow this if you want to download the 3D data of the ExPI Dataset.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

Request access

If you would like to request access to these files, please fill out the form below.

You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

Only permanent researchers or professors can download the dataset. If you are a student or a post-doctoral fellow, please ask your supervisor to request the dataset on your behalf.

[Requests from countries offering adequate level of data protection] In order to download the dataset, you must provide your affiliation. If you are affiliated with an institution from a country offering an adequate level of data protection (EU countries + the ones listed here), you can directly request the dataset downloading link.

[Requests from countries NOT offering adequate level of data protection] Otherwise, we need that a legal representative of your institution electronically sings the following "Standard Contractual Clauses." To that aim, you need to send us the full name, postal address & e-mail of a legal representative of your institution (simultaneously to your dataset request), by e-mail. Otherwise we will not be able to honour your request.

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Agence Nationale de la Recherche