Data from: Predicting bushmeat biomass from species composition captured by camera traps: implications for locally-based wildlife monitoring
The '' contains the data and model files. We used it for the four analyses below.
First, we estimated population densities, the mean body mass and camera-trap capture rates of five main bushmeat targets in a rainforest of southeast Cameroon: Peters's duikers (Cephalophus callipygus), bay duikers (C. dorsalis), blue duikers (Philantomba monticola), brush-tailed porcupines (Atherurus africanus) and Emin's pouched rats (Cricetomys emini). Second, on the basis of the density and body mass estimates, we estimated bushmeat biomass—the total biomass of the five bushmeat species—and its spatial variation. Third, we calculated six bushmeat indicators based on the capture rate estimates. Lastly, we examined the correlation between bushmeat biomass and the indicators.
The ZIP file consists of 16 R script files, three CSV files (in the 'data' subfolder) and 135 stan files (in the 'stan' subfolders). It also has two empty folders, 'figure' and 'res', where the figures and R objects of model results will be stored following the analyses. Please see the document 'README.txt' before performing the analysis. This text file gives the ZIP file structure and brief descriptions of the files.
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- Is derived from
- 10.5281/zenodo.6529813 (DOI)