Data from: Evidence for tissue-specific defense-offense interactions between milkweed and its community of specialized herbivores
- 1. Cornell University
- 2. University of Zürich
Input data used to generate the results for the manuscript under publication. It contains: 1) the residual enzymatic activity (absorbance) of 3 cardenolide-tolerant insects and the non tolerant fruit fly to 5 tissue extracts from Asclepias curassavica (roots, leaves, flower buds, seeds and latex); 2) The dilution level required to inhibit the enzymes by 50% (IC50); 3) The amount of tissue used to prepare the extracts for the enzymatic assay, as well as their cardenolide concentration to standardize the IC50 estimates by tissue mass and plant defense concentration; 4) The dataset of the chemical characterization by HPLC of the different plant parts of Asclepias curassavica.