Published October 9, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Amyand's Hernia Purpose of aCase Report

  • 1. Internal Doctor, Coporacion Universitaria Rafael Nuñez, Cartagena. Second Year Resident Of Anesthesiology, Universidad Del Sinu, Cartagena. Medicine Undergraduate Student, Corporacion Universitaria Rafael Nuñez, Cartagena .General Doctor, University Of Cartagena. General Doctor, Corporacion Universitaria Rafael Nuñez, Cartagena


Amyand's hernia is one that contains an inflamed cecal appendix through an inguinal hernia defect1. It is a rare disease, since it occurs only in 0.13% of cases and the diagnosis is generally made during the perioperative period, since in most cases it is confused with an incarcerated inguinal hernia. Thecase of a patient with hernia of amyand2.This is a 71-year-oldmale patient from a rural area, who develops work as a peasant, a patient is admitted with a clinical picture of 7 days of evolution consisting of colicky pain that was increasing in intensity in the right inguinal region, which was it radiated to the ipsilateral external genitalia. Physical examination revealed pain on palpation in the right inguinal region and a very noticeable mass in the inguinal region that reaches the right testicle, not reducible, of liquid consistency, the patient was afebrile. Paraclinical tests were performed that report: Leukocytes8,360, Hemoglobin: 14.4, Platelets: 175,000 Hematocrit: 41.2 BUN: 12 Creatinine: 0.8.In a round with the surgeon on duty for the physical examination, he decided to transfer to an emergency operating room due to the high suspicion of incarcerated inguinal hernia with probable strangulation, so imaging studies could not be performed. to the transfer to the operating roomunder spinal anesthesia, previous antisepsis and asepsis,is done Transverse incision in the right inguinal region by planes up to the inguinal canal, reduction is performed after opening inguinal ring, intestinal content of the cecal appendix was found, later it was released into the cavity without apparent injury, separation of elements of the large hernial sac was performed which was performed high ligation with vycril 1, Mac Vay technique was performed with prolene 1, hemostasis was verified. Face closure with 1 vicryl and 3-0 nylon leather. Patient who tolerated the procedure well is transferred to the floor to continue recovery after 24 hours, the patient is discharged with antibiotic and outpatient analgesic management, patient who returns in 30 days for a control appointment with general surgery where a good healing process is evidenced and hernia does not recur, it is discharged by general surgery


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