Published July 1, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EOSC-Pillar D2.4: Second report on the status of the relationship with the EOSC Governance and the EOSC-related initiatives


This document describes the relationship of EOSC-Pillar with the EOSC governance and the EOSC related initiatives (EOSC-Rel). We briefly describe how the EOSC was structured before the creation of the EOSC-Association and the main results achieved by the WG’s that were established by the Executive Board of EOSC, which was a body of representatives from the research and e-infrastructures communities, appointed by the European Commission, with a mandate ending in December 2020. Then we describe the transition phase that has led to the present situation with the new EOSC-Association with its board of Directors, partner of the EC in the EU Partnership that is being established, together with the new Steering Board representing the Member States and Associated Countries. The setting up of the new Advisory Groups intended to complete and further develop the work of the previous WG’s toward a fully valid EOSC is sketched and the role of EOSC-Pillar in the new structure of EOSC is shown.

The main aspects of the collaboration of EOSC-Pillar with the other projects, starting with the regional ones, are then described. The status of the National Initiatives supported by EOSC-Pillar in the countries where it is established is then briefly addressed.

Finally, we give an outlook of the EOSC-Rel activities in the near future and with the new incoming projects and conclude on the positive role played till now by EOSC-Pillar and the positive role expected for the EOSC future.



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European Commission
EOSC-Pillar – Coordination and Harmonisation of National Inititiatives, Infrastructures and Data services in Central and Western Europe 857650