ENGAGE Global Scenarios
Riahi, Keywan1
Betram, Christoph2
Drouet, Laurent3
Hasegawa, Tomoko4
Dalla Longa, Francesco5
Desprès, Jacques6
- Fosse, Florian7
Fragkiadakis, Kostas8
Fricko, Oliver1
Gusti, Mykola1
Humpenöder, Florian2
- Keramidas, Kimon9
Kishimoto, Paul1
Kriegler, Elmar2
Nogueira, Larissa P.10
Oshiro, Ken11
Popp, Alexander2
Rochedo, Pedro R.R.12
Takakura, Junya13
Ünlü, Gamze1
van Ruijven, Bas1
van Vuuren, Detlef14
Zakeri, Behnam15
Bosetti, Valentina3
- Cabardos, Anique-Marie1
- Deppermann, Andre1
- de Boer, Harmen-Sytze16
Emmerling, Johannes17
Frank, Stefan1
Fujimori, Shinichiro11
Harmsen, Mathijs14
Havlik, Petr1
Hilaire, Jérôme2
Huppmann, Daniel1
Keramidas, Kimon9
Krey, Volker1
Luderer, Gunnar2
Malik, Aman2
Meinshausen, Malte18
Ochi, Yuki19
Paroussos, Leonidas8
Rogelj, Joeri20
- Saygin, Deger
Schaeffer, Roberto21
Tavoni, Massimo3
van der Zwaan, Bob5
Vrontisi, Zoi22
Weitzel, Matthias23
- 1. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- 2. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- 3. RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment
- 4. Ritsumeikan University
- 5. Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
- 6. Joint Research Center
- 7. European Commission,Joint Research Centre
- 8. E3Modelling
- 9. Joint Research Center of the European Commission
- 10. TNO Energy Transition
- 11. Kyoto University
- 12. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- 13. National Institute for Environmental Studies
- 14. Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- 15. International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis
- 16. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- 17. Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
- 18. University of Melbourne
- 19. E-Konzal Co. Ltd.
- 20. Imperial College London
- 21. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE
- 22. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, E3MLab, National Technical University of Athens
- 23. European Commission
This data set includes global climate change mitigation scenarios as summarized by Riahi et al., 2021. The scenarios are developed as part of the ENGAGE project and were assessed in terms of the their investment implications (Bertram et al., 2021), their land-use dynamics (Hasegawa et al., 2021) as we all as with respect to their costs and benefits (Drouret et al., 2021). The scenarios include a current national policies scenario and an NDC scenario that depict relevant near-term GHG emission tends and targets. In the long-term, two types of CO2 emission budgets are implemented, so called “net-zero budgets” and “end-of-century” budgets. The “net-zero-budget” scenarios assume climate policies that limit the remaining cumulative CO2 emissions until net zero CO2 emissions are reached. These scenarios limit the temperature overshoot and do not rely on global net-negative CO2 emissions to keep warming below the intended temperature limit. In contrast, the “end-of-century budget” scenarios assume long-term climate policies that limit cumulative CO2 emissions over the full course of the 21st century. Depending on the availability of carbon dioxide removal options, these scenarios may comprise high temperature overshoot and global net negative CO2 emissions in the second half of the century. The near-term dimension of current national policies until 2020 or NDCs until 2030 is then combined with reaching the net-zero and full-century CO2 emissions budgets. To cover a relevant range of temperature outcomes (which in addition to the budgets themselves also determined by mitigation of non-CO2 GHG and aerosol emissions), the budgets are varied between 200 and 3000 GtCO2 in steps of 50 – 500 GtCO2.
The data is available for download at the ENGAGE Scenario Explorer. The license permits use of the scenario ensemble for scientific research and science communication, but restricts redistribution of substantial parts of the data. Please refer to the FAQ and legal code for more information.
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- Is referenced by
- Journal article: 10.1038/s41558-021-01215-2 (DOI)
- Journal article: 10.1038/s41558-021-01218-z (DOI)