Published October 6, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Genetic Algorithm-Based Fuzzy Inference System for Describing Execution Tracing Quality - Collected Data

  • 1. De Montfort University


The deposited data files were used to perform the analysis introduced in the paper: Tamas Galli, Francisco Chiclana and Francois Siewe, "Genetic Algorithm Based Fuzzy Inference System for Describing Execution Tracing Quality", Mathematics, MDPI, 2021.

The data were collected through an online questionnaire. The questionnaire has been exported in pdf format and uploaded as file: form_data_collection.pdf. The paper above introduces the steps of analysing, processing the data, constructing, pre-validating the model. The final validation was done over the online questionnaire exported and uploaded in pdf format as form_model_validation.pdf.

Questionnaire Part 1, data file: all_usecases_wide.csv

The CSV file contains the responses for each use case of part 1 of the online questionnaire enclosed. The columns contain the assigned values from the respondents, on a scale [0; 100]. The following variables are linked to each use case: Accuracy, Legibility, DesignAndImplementation, and Security. These form the input variables of execution tracing quality, while the variable Quality designates the quality of execution tracing. Each fifth column is followed by a column UseCase to designate the use case which is described by the previous five columns. The definitions of the variables can be found in the questionnaire.

Questionnaire Part 2, data file: all_real_projects_scores.csv

The CSV file contains the responses for real projects in part 2 of the online questionnaire enclosed. The columns contain the assigned values from the respondents, on a scale [0; 100]. Six variables are linked to each response: Accuracy, Legibility, DesignAndImplementation, and Security, which form the input variables of execution tracing quality, while the variable Quality designates the quality of execution tracing. In addition, the variable Type indicates the type of the project, such as server application, desktop application, web UI, mobile application, or embedded application. The definitions of the variables can be found in the questionnaire.

Questionnaire Part 3, data file: all_extrem_values_wide.csv

The CSV file contains the assigned execution tracing quality value to the provided combination of extreme input values in part 3 of the online questionnaire enclosed. The column IDs represent the question IDs in the survey. The definitions of the variables can be found in the questionnaire.



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Journal article: 10.3390/math9212822 (DOI)