There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 6, 2021 | Version v0.1.5-beta1
Software Open

FitBenchmarking: an open source Python package comparing data fitting software

  • 1. STFC, ISIS Neutron and Muon facility
  • 2. STFC, Scientific Computing Department
  • 3. STFC, Scientific Computing Department/Plymouth Marine Laboratory
  • 4. STFC, ISIS Neutron and Muon facility/Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
  • 5. STFC, ISIS Neutron and Muon facility/European Southern Observatory
  • 6. Diamond Light Source
  • 7. Diamond Light Source/European Spallation Source


FitBenchmarking 0.1.5 has no new features compared to 0.1.4


  • Support iminuit 2.0 (and drop support for iminuit 1.x)
  • Update Zenodo metadata file



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