Published September 4, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Strategic management of the enterprise in the conditions in the instability of the market environment

  • 1. National aviation university


The article discusses the role of preventive anti-crisis management on the basis of comprehensive measures to overcome the crisis situations. The reasons and moments of crisis beginning are considered, and in case of objective impossibility to avoid entering the crisis period, the approaches to overcoming them are indicated. The basic concepts of anti-crisis management, preventive management and preventive anti-crisis management, which are effective tools for crisis management in the conditions of cyclical crisis phenomena, are defined. The main tasks of preventive anti-crisis management are revealed, and the estimation of probability of occurrence and analysis of consequences of influence of potential crisis phenomena and situations, at development of anti-crisis strategy, realization of action plans on crisis prevention is presented. The key areas of preventive management and the necessary tools for the implementation of anti-crisis measures at the enterprise are identified. The crisis warning functions that will be performed by the crisis prevention service are presented



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