Published November 15, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Historical aspects of bone bed of pterosaurs of the Caiuá group, neocretaceous of the Bauru basin, in Cruzeiro do Oeste - Paraná

  • 1. PaleoMol - Laboratório Virtual de Paleontologia Molecular
  • 2. Universidade Estadual de Maringá


The recent discovery of a Bone bed of pterosaurs and the consequent description of the new Brazilian species Caiuajara dobruskii Manzig et al. 2014 and Keresdrakon vilsoni Kellner et al. 2019 from a Cretaceous interdunal deposit located in Cruzeiro do Oeste, Paraná, opens the way to a wide range of paleontological studies. This work had as objective to review the bibliography and to recover the historical trajectory of the discovery and rediscovery of Paraná pterosaurs taken to Ponta Grossa for more than 30 years without being identified. It was possible to identify a shortage of publications on the subject, leading to the suggestion of new studies and the implementation of new lines of research in Paleontology at the State University of Maringá, an institution that is currently jointly responsible for collecting, researching, curating and curating fossils.


Aspectos históricos do achados de bone bed de pterossauros do grupo caiuá.pdf