RSQSim Simulated Earthquake Catalog 4983, California, UCERF3 Fault System, 715kyr
- 1. Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
- 2. University of Southern California
Simulated earthquake catalog, generated with the Rate-State Earthquake Simulator (RSQSim), described in and used by the following publication:
Kevin R. Milner, Bruce E. Shaw, Christine A. Goulet, Keith B. Richards‐Dinger, Scott Callaghan, Thomas H. Jordan, James H. Dieterich, Edward H. Field; Toward Physics‐Based Nonergodic PSHA: A Prototype Fully Deterministic Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2021;; 111 (2): 898–915. doi:
The catalog is simulated on the UCERF3 fault system for California (, following the hybrid loading technique described in Shaw (2019) (
File Descriptions:
Catalog CSV Files: catalog.csv, catalog_m6.5.csv
These are human-readable summary files listing each event (after skipping the first 65kyrs of model spin-up time). The "catalog_m6.5.csv" file is filtered for only M>6.5 events (those used Milner et al., 2021). Each line corresponds to an event in the catalog, and contains the following information:
- Event ID and occurrence time
- Magnitude, Moment, and Area
- Participating element information (count, average slip, long-term average slip rate)
- Hypocenter and scalar-moment centroid locations
- Rupture surface minimum and maximum depths
Geometry File (ASCII): geometry.flt
ASCII file listing patch (triangular) geometry for the simulated faults in a UTM coordinate system (zone 11S). The primary columns are:
- x1, y1, z1 - UTM coordinates of the first vertex
- x2, y2, z2 - UTM coordinates of the second vertex
- x3, y3, z3 - UTM coordinates of the third vertex
- rake - Direction of the motion of the hanging wall relative to the footwall (in degrees, following the convention of Aki & Richards, 2002)
- slip_rate - Long-term average slip rate (in m/s)
The first line in the file (excluding comment lines that start with '#') is the patch with ID=1, the second ID=2, etc. Additional metadata columns may exist in each line beyond those listed and can be ignored.
Catalog List Files (binary): catalog.eList, catalog.pList, catalog.tList, catalog.dList
The raw output of RSQSim includes 4 binary "list" files that define the simulated event IDs, times, and total slip in each participating patch. All 4 list files should be processed together, as the N-th item in one list file corresponds to the N-th item in each other file.
For each patch the ruptures during an event, a value is written to each of these files giving 1) the patch number, 2) the event number, 3) the distance slipped during the event, and 4) the time of first rupture for that patch during that event.
The format is as follows:
- catalog.eList: list of event IDs (1-based), stored as little-endian 4-byte integers
- catalog.pList: list of patch IDs (1-based), stored as little-endian 4-byte integers
- catalog.tList: list of time of first slip on each patch in each event (in seconds, relative to simulation origin time), stored as little-endian 8-byte double precision floating-point numbers
- catalog.dList: list of total slip on each patch in each event (in meters), stored as little-endian 8-byte double precision floating-point numbers
RSQSim Input File (ASCII):
Key-value pairs of RSQSim model parameters, used to originally run the simulation.
M>6.5 Rupture Slip-Time Histories (Standard Rupture Format):
Rupture slip-time histories in the Standard Rupture Format, version 1.0 (see, used in Milner et al. (2021). Slip-time histories are discretized at 0.1s intervals, and represented in the WGS84 coordinate system.
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- Cites
- Journal article: 10.1785/0120200216 (DOI)
- Journal article: 10.1785/0120180128 (DOI)
- Journal article: 10.1785/0120130164 (DOI)
- Is supplement to
- Journal article: 10.1785/0120200216 (DOI)