Published September 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Scientific and technical manuals/publications for web tool

  • 1. Jožef Stefan Institute
  • 2. The James Hutton Institute


The final output of WP8 is a web-based Decision Support System Pathfinder for assessment of the sustainability of legume agri-food value chains. The conceptual structure of the system, the decision models that it is comprised of, as well as the technical implementation of the system are described in Deliverables 8.1 to 8.4. This deliverable serves as a user manual with instructions about the use of the PathFinder. It is also included in the web-based Decision Support System PathFinder to guide the users through the functionalities of the system.


727973_D8.5 Scientific and technical manuals-publications for web tool.pdf

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European Commission
TRUE – Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe 727973