Published September 27, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Sufism and Ethics [625] عوارف المعارف



B 90. Size 91/2 in. by 51/2 in.; foll. 232. Twenty-one and twenty-three lines in a page.

كتاب عوارف المعارف لشيخنا سلطان المحققين شهاب الحق والدين ابو حفص عمر بن محمد بن عبدالله السهروردى الخ.

A system of Ṣûfism, by Shihâb al-dîn Abu Ḥafṣ ‘Omar b. Muḥammad SUHRAWARDÎ (d. A.H. 632). See Ḥ. Kh. iv. 275 sq., and Flügel, Hdss. Wien, iii. 329 sqq.

Plainly written. Dated Rabî’ II., 1077. Emended.

The beginning in a different hand. A defect after fol. 148. Worm-eaten at the end.

At the end is the signature of Saiyid Zain b. ‘Abdallah Muḳaibil, who also wrote the above title. It is followed by some statements regarding the author of this work. He was born in Rajab, 539, went to Baghdâd A.H. 555, adopted the ascetic life A.H. 556, and died on Wednesday, 1st Muḥarram, 632.

Cat. 230 (Vaz), ii.



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