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Published October 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cloud Computing in IoT based Smart Meter

  • 1. Assistant Professor Principal Dept. of Computer Application, GNIT
  • 1. Publisher


Modern tends forces a massive change in power industry and utility value chain. Therefore demands of resources and storage is also increases which can be supported by cloud computing. Consumer role becomes one of the vital role here. These are all implemented by Smart Grid. So we need to develop advanced power distribution grids with modern infrastructure. In this paper we will discuss about one of the most important component of smart grid that is smart meter that will IoT based and use cloud platform for data processing and storing. Cloud infrastructure will help in building a large number of application on it and also helps in storing large volume of data. Cloud technology enhances the storage on demand using virtual memory concept. Thus provides an economic, portable, scalable infrastructure.



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