Published September 20, 2021 | Version v1
Report Open

SafePASS Personas and Respective Scenarios of Use

  • 1. Royal Caribbean Group
  • 1. National Technical University of Athens


This is a public deliverable of the EU funded (H2020) project SafePASS. The deliverable number is D2.3.

Executive Summary:

This deliverable’s main objective is twofold. On one hand, the deliverable’s focus is to consolidate a set of user requirements to facilitate the SafePASS system and entities design process, as well as the definition of the respective system specifications by describing the methodology used. The second goal is to define the appropriate personas to be used in the design process by describing the methodology used, as well as the respective scenarios of use that will further facilitate the system design and reveal the full potential of SafePASS.
In order to create the consolidated list, the methodology used for the elicitation of user requirements is described, as well as the sub-groups of requirements that were derived from the Grant Agreement, the analysis of the best practices, gaps and needs, the mission and operational requirements and the stakeholder workshops and surveys. Moreover, ten (10) different Personas are identified and presented analytically, along with their role, status and main characteristics that may affect the scenarios of use and the overall evacuation process. In parallel, six (6) scenarios of use are described, based on the outcomes of the stakeholder workshops and the identified gaps of the state-of-the-art analysis, while their characteristics as the time of the day, the sea state, the location of the vessel and the type of incident are defined. Finally, the ten (10) defined personas are mapped to the six (6) scenarios of use, so as to assess their interconnections with the SafePASS system under varying situations, and the relevant requirements that derive from the special characteristics of both the personas and the scenario conditions, as well as the relevant SafePASS components, are facilitated.


D2.3 SafePASS Personas and Respective Scenarios of Use.pdf

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European Commission
SafePASS – Next generation of life Saving appliances and systems for saFE and swift evacuation operations on high capacity PASSenger ships in extreme scenarios and conditions 815146