Two FSP Synthesis of Seven Bar Slider Mechanism Using Variable Topology
- 1. Research Scholar, Basaveshawar Engineering College, Bagalakot, Karnataka, India
- 2. Professor, Basaveshawar Engineering College, Bagalakot, Karnataka, India
Mechanisms are of the prime consideration while running the machines. Therefore the synthesis of
mechanisms will be the key factor in the mechanical design. Synthesis becomes comparatively easy when
the mechanism is of single degrees of freedom (DOF) and will be difficult as the number of DOF
increases. There are many methods used for the synthesis of mechanisms with more links and with two or
higher degrees-of-freedom that are complicated and prolonged. These complicated/ higher DOF
mechanisms can be easily synthesized by converting them into Variable Topology Mechanism (VTM)
which operates in multi phases. The present proposed work has an application of VTM in the Automatic
Fiber Replacement Mechanism and is operating in two phases and for extreme positions. This reduces the
solution space for function generation, path generation and rigid body guidance/ motion generation tasks
with no iterations.
Additional details
- Tadalagi, M., & Balli, S. (2021). Two FSP Synthesis of Seven Bar Slider Mechanism Using Variable Topology. Journal of scholastic Engineering Science and Management, 1(4), 38-54.