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Published September 15, 2021 | Version 1.0
Lesson Open

Complementary materials for the methodology about in-home laboratories for engineering education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

  • 1. Engineering Professor, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios-UNIMINUTO


These are the complementary materials for the methodology about in-home laboratories in engineering education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This practice was presented to the special issue entitled "ENGINEERING  EDUCATION  EVERYWHERE:  GOOD PRACTICES  FOR  EMERGENCY SITUATIONS AND REMOTE REGIONS"  in the SJR Q1 journal-International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE). For more information about this journal and the special issue, please consult the link

In the materials can be found the following resources:

  1. Supporting document about the methodology (phases, type of kits sent to the home of the students, information about the mobile learning platform Emdroid, cost of the kits, among other elements).
  2. Evaluation rubric for the videos and blogs. (Resource reviewed by an expert in education).
  3. Applied surveys for the stages one (pilot study) and stage two in the methodology.
  4. Responses of the students to the surveys.
  5. List with several blogs created by the students which can serve as reference for future studies (see the supporting document in Microsoft Word).

Thank you for your interest in this study. 


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