Published June 29, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Kfar Selouan: A new early Barremian fossiliferous amber outcrop from Lebanon
MAKSOUD, SIBELLE, ZAIDAN, OMAR T., AZAR, DANY (2021): Kfar Selouan: A new early Barremian fossiliferous amber outcrop from Lebanon. Palaeoentomology 4 (3): 257-265, DOI: 10.11646/palaeoentomology.4.3.13, URL:
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- Azar, D. (2012) Lebanese amber: a "Guinness Book of Records". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, 111, 44- 60.
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- Azar, D., Geze, R., El-Samrani, A., Maalouly, J. & Nel, A. (2010b) Jurassic amber in Lebanon. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition, 84, 977-983.
- Azar, D. & Nel, A. (1998) Lebanese Lower Cretaceous amber. Meganeura, 2, 18-20.
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- Dubertret, L. (1945) Carte geologique au 50.000eme - Feuille de Zahle. Republique Libanaise, Ministere des Travaux Publics, Beyrouth, 64 pp. + 13 pls. + map.
- Granier, B., Azar, D., Maksoud, S., Geze, R. & Habchi, R. (2015) New fossiliferous sites with Barremian Charophyta in the "Gres du Liban" auct. (Lebanon), with a critical perspective regarding the nature of Munieria Deecke, 1883. Carnets de Geologie, 15 (15), 199-229.
- Granier, B., Toland, C., Geze, R., Azar, D. & Maksoud, S. (2016) Some steps toward a new story for the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in Mount Lebanon. Carnets de Geologie, 16 (8), 247-269.
- Koteja, J. & Azar, D. (2008) Scale insects from Lower Cretaceous amber of Lebanon (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccinea). Alavesia, 2, 133-167.
- Maksoud, S. & Azar, D. (2020) Lebanese amber: latest updates. Palaeoentomology, 3 (2), 125-155.
- Maksoud, S., Azar, D., Granier, B. & Geze, R. (2017) New data on the age of the Lower Cretaceous amber outcrops of Lebanon. Palaeoworld, 26 (2), 331-338.
- Maksoud,S., Taleb,K.&Azar, D.(2019) Four new Lower Barremian amber outcrops from Northern Lebanon. Palaeoentomology, 2 (4), 333-339.
- Maksoud, S., Taleb, K. & Azar, D. (2021) New early Barremian fossiliferous amber outcrop from North Lebanon. Palaeoentomology, 4 (1), 23-26.
- Maksoud, S., Ziade, K., Geze, R. & Azar, D. (2020) New early Barremian amber outcrops from Central Lebanon. Palaeoentomology, 3 (4), 415-422.
- Nohra, Y., Azar, D., Geze, R., Maksoud, S., El-Samrani, A. & Perrichot, V. (2013) New Jurassic outcrops from Lebanon. Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews, 6, 27-51.
- Poinar, G.O. & Milki, R. (2001) Lebanese amber: the oldest insect ecosystem in fossilized resin. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, Oregon, 96 pp.
- Veltz, I., Azar, D. & Nel, A. (2007) New chironomid flies in Early Cretaceous Lebanese amber (Diptera: Chironomidae). African Invertebrates, 48 (1), 169-191.