Published January 14, 2022 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on wheat root response to nitrate using X-ray CT and OpenSimRoot

  • 1. University of Nottingham School of Biosciences; Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
  • 2. University of Nottingham School of Computer Science
  • 3. University of Nottingham School of Biosciences


Data and statistical analysis scripts for manuscript on wheat root response to nitrate using X-ray CT and OpenSimRoot

X-ray CT reveals 4D root system development and lateral root responses to nitrate in soil - []

The ZIP file contains:

  • MCT1_Rcode.R - Statistics script for candidate single-timepoint experiment. Requires all CSV data files in the directory. User needs to set working directory to location of this script and the CSV data files before running.
  • MCT1... .csv - 3 CSV data files required by the R script.
  • MCT2_Rcode.R - Statistics script for time-series experiment. Requires all CSV data files in the directory. User needs to set working directory to location of this script and the CSV data files before running.
  • MCT2... .csv - 3 CSV data files required by the R script.
  • R_RooThProcessing.R - R code for aggregating root traits from RooTh software.
  • Modelling folder - OpenSimRoot with model parameters and root data used in manuscript.



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