Published September 3, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Desmanthus meandroides van Soest & Hajdu 2000


Desmanthus meandroides van Soest & Hajdu, 2000

Tables 6, 7; Figs. 14A–I, 16N

Synonymy and references: Desmanthus meandroides van Soest & Hajdu (2000: 302) and Muricy et al. (2011: 143); Desmanthus sp.: see references compiled in Muricy et al. (2011: 143).

Type locality. Brazil.

Material examined. CNPGG-2389, Cayo Arcas reef (20.20988°N, - 91.96686°W), 4 m depth, coll. Oscar Bocardo, 26 august 2017.

Description. Thinly encrusting habit (Fig. 16N); covering an area ca. 11 cm 2; up to 0.1 cm high. Surface hispid with several subectosomal channels in a very characteristic meandriform pattern. Pores or oscules not visible. Color in vivo orange and after fixation light beige. Consistency firm.

Skeleton. Styles of several sizes are disposed perpendicular to the surface (Fig. 14A). Desmas in choanosomal region with rhabdomes pointing outwards although not reaching the surface (Fig. 14C). Several subectosomal channels visible (Fig. 14B).

Spicules. Megascleres (Figs. 14D–I): Desmas I, cladomes (Fig: 14F); 70– 141 (37.9)–190/4– 6.3 (1.2)–7.2 µm. Desmas II (Figs. 14G–I), cladomes; 110– 153.7 (27.2)–200/7– 10.5 (2)–15 µm and rhabdomes; 70– 108.3 (31)– 180/10– 13.5 (4.2)–25 µm. Styles, slightly curved and smooth (Fig. 14D); 150– 383.7 (221.7)–760/3.5– 8.6 (3.6)–14 µm.

Distribution. Mexico (current record), Brazil (van Soest & Hajdu 2000).

Remarks. Up to now, Desmanthus meandroides had been reported only in Brazil (van Soest & Hajdu 2000; Moraes et al. 2006). Thus, our study is the first record of the species for the GoM. Our material has external morphological features (shape, color, and surface pattern) and spicules quite similar to the original description by van Soest & Hajdu (2000). However, our material has, in general, smaller spicule sizes than the original; viz., desmas I cladomes 155–291/5–6 µm, desmas II with cladomes 155–267/8–17 µm, rhabdomes 49–204/10–30 µm, and styles 126–834/8–10 µm.

Order Clionaida Morrow & Cárdenas, 2015


Published as part of Ugalde, Diana, Fernandez, Julio C. C., Gómez, Patricia, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele & Simões, Nuno, 2021, An update on the diversity of marine sponges in the southern Gulf of Mexico coral reefs, pp. 1-112 in Zootaxa 5031 (1) on pages 21-22, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5031.1.1,


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Scientific name authorship
van Soest & Hajdu
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Taxonomic concept label
Desmanthus meandroides Soest, 2000 sec. Ugalde, Fernandez, Gómez, Lôbo-Hajdu & Simões, 2021


  • van Soest, R. W. M. & Hajdu, E. (2000) New species of Desmanthus (Porifera, Demospongiae) with a discussion of its ordinal relationships. Zoosystema, 22, 299 - 312.
  • Muricy, G., Lopes, D. A., Hajdu, E., Carvalho, M. D. S., Moraes, F. C., Klautau, M., Menegola, C. & Pinheiro, U. (2011) Catalogue of Brazilian Porifera. Serie livros 46. Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 300 pp.
  • Moraes, F. C., Ventura, M., Klautau, M., Hajdu, E. & Muricy, G. (2006) Biodiversidade de esponjas das ilhas oceanicas brasileiras. In: Alves, R. J. V. & Castro, J. W. A. (Eds.), Ilhas Oceanicas Brasileiras - da pesquisa ao manejo. Secretaria de Biodiversidade e Florestas, Brasilia, pp. 147 - 178.