There is a newer version of the record available.

Published September 8, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Load-Displacement History Data and Video Recording of Norway Spruce Compression Experiment Perpendicular to Grain Direction

  • 1. Aalto University


This dataset contains load-displacement history of Norway Spruce compression experiments perpendicular to grain direction and the video recordings. The experiment utilized the Zwick RK 250/50 Universal Testing Machine (UTM) with HBM U2A load cell set at 200kN capacity, while video was recorded by Canon EOS 5DS R mounted on a tripod. Unfortunately the recording failed while recording specimen 3, hence only part of the beginning of the experiment is available. Video files of specimens 1 and 2 are separated with winrar due to large file sizes



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Research Council of Finland
Fire-safe materials by pyrolysis modelling / Consortium: FISAMA 297030