Figure 17. Solenysa protrudens. A in Phylogenetic analysis and revision of the linyphiid spider genus Solenysa (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae)
Figure 17. Solenysa protrudens. A, male palp, retrolateral (arrow, paracymbial proximal curve). B, female chelicerae, ectal. C, male palpal embolic division, ventral. D, detail of C. E, anterior part of male abdomen showing epiandrous fusules absent. F–H, epigynum: F, ventral; G, dorsal; H, caudal. Abbreviations: ARP, anterior radical process; ATA, anterior terminal apophysis; CO, copulatory opening; DSA, distal suprategular apophysis; E, embolus; LC1, anterior branch of lamella characteristica; LC2, median branch of lamella characteristica; LC3, posterior branch of lamella characteristica; M, distal membrane of embolus; MTA, median terminal apophysis; P, paracymbium; PBP, cymbial probasal process; PTA, posterior terminal apophysis; PTP, proximal tibial process; R, radix; RLP, cymbial retrolateral process; SL, solenoid; STT, Solenysa tegular triangle; T, tegulum. Scale bars in mm.
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