Published August 31, 2021
| Version v1
Journal article
Study of properties of wheat germins and meals and their use in the production of dietary hardtacks
- 1. Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade
Object of research: technology of production of dietetic hardtacks using germs and meal of wheat germ, by defatting them.
Investigated problem: the process of defatting wheat germ meal not only reduces the total amount of lipids, but also contributes to a change in the ratio of individual fatty acids.
Main scientific results: in order to use wheat germ meal as the main raw material, together with wheat germ in the production of dietetic hardtacks, their amino acid composition, biological value and balance of essential amino acids were studied in comparison with the FAO/WHO standard. The mineral, vitamin and fatty acid composition of the germ and meal of wheat germ has been determined. The results obtained were used in the development of the recipe composition and the technological process for the production of dietetic hardtacks.
The results obtained (calculation of the balance according to the "tryptophan" and "threonine" indices) confirm that wheat germ meal is a valuable raw material that can be used in technologies for the production of high-protein food products.
The moisture-absorbing capacity of wheat germ and meal was studied in order to determine their ability to form dough. It has been established that the best performance is characterized by a mixture of wheat germ meal and wheat germ in a ratio of 80:20.
The ability of digestion by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract "in vitro" of wheat germ meal proteins has been investigated, which determines the biological value of food products and makes it possible to predict the degree of their utilization by the body.
The field of practical use of the research results: production of dietetic hardtacks in restaurant enterprises, in specialized confectionery shops, as well as within the boundaries of food production
An innovative technological product: the possibility of using valuable secondary raw materials in food production technology – wheat germ and meal, which is a source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals. This will make it possible to adjust the nutritional and biological value of flour confectionery products, as well as improve the nutritional structure of consumers of these products.
Scope of application of an innovative technological product: dietetic hardtacks
Study of properties of wheat germins and meals and their use in the production of dietary hardtacks_zenodo.pdf
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