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Published October 21, 2021 | Version 1.9
Working paper Open

On the Etymologies of Kinnabari, Kinnamon, Kinawar, Kustumbari, Koriandron, Mercury et al.


A work which presents many new and important and very likely correct etymologies, and so likely elucidates a number of obscure words found in Ancient Greek, Sumerian, Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Hattic, Hurrian, as well as other ancient languages of Eurasia. Includes some discussion of and new information about Peri-Indo-European and Semi-Indo-European and Eteo-Indo-European (before Proto-Indo-European). 


New expanded updated 10th version, including two corrections and some new etymologies, most of them in the section titled ~Establishing the etymology of Kinnabaris~, in the portion before I go into more detail about the "kinna" cognates. So in that section there is a new etymology for Etruscan "pulum"="star"; for Latin pulcer/pulcher; for Sumerian "babbar-hi/barbar-hi"=the purslane plant; then further in that section new etymologies for Ancient Greek kammaris, kammaron, karis, and Proto-Semitic *arb/*irb=shrimp, locust. At the end of the ~Concluding evidence~ section, I have added a new etymology for marsipos, marsupos, marsippos, marsuppos; and a new etymology for Mycenaean Marineus/Malineus: and there are some more new etymologies in the ~…Kinnabaris~section that I specified above. And in the ~…Kinnabaris~ section there is much new evidence for many etymologies presented before (see for example Proto-Kartvelian *pir="mouth"), for example the etymologies of kammaris/kammaron/karis and Proto-Semitic *arb/*irb make the etymology of Sumerian "bir" ("locust") that I present here much more likely, even though it was already very likely. Includes the new never-before seen etymology of Mercury/Mercurius added in the 9th version, in addition to all the new information and new etymologies and new evidence throughout most of the text added in the 8th and 7th versions. In July 2022, I realized that the etymologies of Sumerian Mas and Mus and Musen that I presented in the 7th or 8th or 9th version and included in this 10th version, I realized in July 2022 that those etymologies are wrong, but no worries, they do not impact the etymologies of Kinnabari, nor or Kustumbari nor of Koriandron, nor of Mercury, and I have figured out the correct etymologies of Sumerian Mus and Mas and that information can be found in my July 19th update (and in the newer updates) of my work on the etymologies of Kypros, Kybele et al.; I plan on updating this work in early September 2022, and the next version will remove the discussions of Mas and Mus from this work, leaving only a quick note explaining why. The etymology of Skorodon that I published here is wrong: I have since returned to my first etymology of Skorodon: Skorod="pungent" (referring to smell as well as taste), see my new paper on the etymologies of Andros island, Koriandron, Skorodon et al. where I also first publish my new and surely correct etymology of Koriandron which posits that Kori=Leaves and Andron=soft, based on my etymology of Andrachne and my new etymology of Salamandra=Skin+soft/tender. In August 2022, I also published a new and correct etymology of Arachne/Aranea: Ara=venomous, from Ara="to strike, slay", from Pre-Greek Ar="pointed". In August 2022, I also published a new and quite likely correct etymology of Ariadne, and the interpretations of Ariadne and Arachne that I published here beginning in 2020 are I'm sure not accurate. My detective skills and my linguistic skills have improved since then. Much progress.


Kinawar, Kinnabari, Kinnamomon et al. Oct 21st update.pdf

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