Phytochemical Analysis and Anticancer Activity of Azadirachta Indica Ethanolic Extract against A549 Human Lung Cancer Cell Line
- 1. epartment of Zoology & Biotechnology, A Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College, (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur, 613503, Tamil Nadu, India
- 1. Department of Zoology & Biotechnology, A Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College, (Autonomous) Poondi, Thanjavur, 613503, Tamil Nadu, India
Azadirachta indica phytochemicals are found to have against malignant growth and hostile to bacterial properties. In the specific examination, the coupling proficiency of five mixes that are available in the Azadirachta indica with all the eleven proteins through in silico techniques was completed. Plant removes ensure against harmful compound instigated injury by expanding the body’s degrees of cell reinforcement particles, for example, glutathione, and improving the action of cancer prevention agent chemicals. A549 cells treated with Azadirachta indica ethanolic separate in various hours (6, 12, 24 and 36 hours) after the 36 hours the cells development are controlled. As there are re-established interests in home grown based meds to hinder the results of manufactured medications, Azadirachta Indica L. a leaf contains phytochemical intensifies having all the more free revolutionary rummaging just as anticancer exercises.
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