Published March 23, 2018 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pachybrachis mcmeansi Barney 2018, new species


14. Pachybrachis mcmeansi Barney, new species 3CD01D6B-7098-4EAC-828A-652B1638A1EC (Fig. 14, Map 2B)

Holotype. Male, labeled “Mass. // Mid’ sex / Co [hand-inked, white paper] // 6 // H. C. FALL / COLLECTION [printed, white paper] // [circular blue disc signifying dissection by RJB] // HOLOTYPE / Pachybrachis / mcmeansi / R. J. Barney 2017 [printed, red paper].” Deposited in MCZ. The specimen is point-mounted with genitalia affixed to point. It is in excellent condition with all appendages intact. There are two paratypes (2♀♀) with identical collecting data.

Paratypes. 5766 52♀♀. See Appendix 14.

Description. Male. Yellow, with dark brown to black punctures, standard maculae diffuse, L = 2.08– 2.42 mm (mean = 2.32 mm, n = 10); W = 1.07–1.28 mm (mean = 1.22 mm, n = 10); L/W = 1.84–2.01 (mean = 1.91, n = 10). Head: Slightly wider than thoracic apex, HW = 0.71–0.86 mm (mean = 0.80 mm, n = 10); eyes widely separated, IOD = 0.20–0.28 mm (mean = 0.23 mm, n = 10); IOD/HW = 0.25–0.31 (mean = 0.29, n = 10); face yellow with large, dark brown to black, W-shaped macula connecting the vertex and bases of antennae and up to base of upper lobes of eyes, punctation dense in dark areas, antennae yellow-brown, not reaching elytral declivity. Pronotum: Yellow, with dark brown to black, M-shaped macula broadly diffuse, punctation dense in dark areas, more sparsely placed in pale areas, especially along lateral margins, PL = 0.64–0.77 mm (mean = 0.74 mm, n = 10); PW = 0.95–1.09 mm (mean = 1.04 mm, n = 10); PL/PW = 0.67–0.76 (mean = 0.71, n = 10). Elytra: Yellow with dark brown to black maculae in no particular pattern; punctation confused in baso-sutural region, striae incomplete basally, mostly regular laterally and apically. Pygidium: Finely punctate, weakly convex; dark brown to black, often with 2 small, oval, yellow maculae. Venter: Dark brown to black, yellow spot on last ventrite. Legs: Dark brown to black with yellow femoral and tibial spots. Genitalia: Median lobe in en-face view with large, oval OS within parallel-sided shaft, with reduced PRL. POL, best seen in the lateral view, slightly deflexed at ALM, thus creating a lateral ridge, and then further up towards apex it is deflexed at near 90° angle, thereby creating a triangular, arrowhead-shaped area with a gently rounded terminus and 2 posteriorly projecting, rounded denticles (Fig. 14). EFW = 0.29–0.39 mm (mean = 0.31 mm, n = 10); AAM = 0.15– 0.21 mm (mean = 0.18, n = 10); AAL = 0.16– 0.21 mm (mean = 0.19 mm, n = 10); AAW = 0.16–0.19 mm (mean = 0.18 mm, n = 10); AAL/ AAW = 0.92–1.14 (mean = 1.06, n = 10). Long setae present along edges of arrowhead down to initial deflexation. AAL/AAW ca. 1.0 indicates arrowhead essentially an equilateral triangle. Twenty-four males from 10 states were dissected.

Female. As in male, except L = 2.30–2.63 mm (mean = 2.48 mm, n = 8); W = 1.19–1.36 mm (mean = 1.26 mm, n = 8); L/W = 1.85–2.21 (mean = 1.97, n = 8); HW = 0.81–0.92 mm (mean = 0.86 mm, n = 8); IOD = 0.18–0.34 mm (mean = 0.27 mm, n = 8); IOD/HW = 0.23–0.38 (mean = 0.31, n = 8).

Etymology. This species is named in recognition of Orlando F. McMeans, PhD, Vice President for Research and Public Service; Dean and Director, Douglass Land-Grant Institute; Director, Agricultural and Environmental Research Station; Executive Director, WVSU Research and Development Corporation; West Virginia State University, Institute, West Virginia, for his unwavering support of this research.

Remarks. Many of the specimens of this species were discovered in a unit tray in Fall’ s collection (MCZ-FALL) labeled as P. relictus. However, a dissection of Fall’ s P. relictus lectotype revealed a significantly different aedeagal median lobe.

Pachybrachis mcmeansi has a very wide aedeagal median lobe with a distinctive, very large, arrowhead-shaped POL, as does P. walteri. However, P. mcmeansi has a secondary narrowing pre-arrowhead-shaped POL, and P. walteri, found only in Florida and Georgia, has a third, middle denticle.

Distribution. This species is found in a scattered distribution from Maine to Arkansas (Map 2B).

Biological Notes. A label cited a potential host plant as Amorpha fruticosa L. in Arkansas.

Specimens Examined. See Appendix 14.


Published as part of Barney, Robert J., 2018, Definition and Revision of the Atomarius Species-Group of North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Including Descriptions of Nine New Species, pp. 9-74 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (1) on page 35, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-72.1.9,


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sp. nov.
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Pachybrachis mcmeansi Barney, 2018